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Welcome minna.... This issue has been very rough and sketchy, once again. This time it was my fault though... I've had a rough couple months.

Enough of that though, hm? We all come here to escape reality and relax right?(:


First off!

Someone has asked me to read their story. I almost always say no because I don't have the time and I'm afraid if I say yes and forget to read it, they'll be upset and stop reading the magazine. I decided to read this story and I've gotten an idea from this.

Title: The way it should have been

Author: Choklitaddict

Reads: 695

Minna, I really encourage you to read this. It's incredibly unique. Now, the idea I got from this? Basically, Requested Undiscovered Gems. However, with U.D the story may have up to about 5k reads. For this, it must not be much higher than 1k reads. [Meaning if you have 1,500 reads, you may not request your story. This may change one day but not right now. BUT. If you have like 1,050 or something, then I will accept.]

So go ahead and request.(:


Second off, February Due Date.

All articles [at  least one per job] must be in by Feb. 14th or the issue won't be posted. 


Third off!

I will now only accept articles through email. No exceptions. Gomen team, if it's an inconvience. It's the only way that I can continue doing this well though.

Naruto Magazine: Issue #8Where stories live. Discover now