First and Final Chapter

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My name is BJ Bently and i'm just going to say it i'm gay. Woman disgust me to the point of throwing up. I told my parents when i was ten and haven't seen them since but that's okay they were drug addicts anyway. So i now live with my lesbian best friend Anaelise Barks or Ana and her parents are really excited i'm gay just like their daughter. My favorite color is red so anybody who thought it was pink can go fuck themselves. I love 5SOS and other vareities of bands but there the best. I love all food but gain no weight and i love to sing but to shy to show it. I design my own clothes but hate shopping the irony right. I live in Los Angeles. I'm born on Christmas day get it Jesus's birthday but i'm gay i get a laugh whenever i tell someone that.

This whole story started when Ana's cousin Jason Barks came to live with us. And i wasn't expecting him to be so gorgeous nor was i expecting him to be such an homophobic prick. He's okay with his cousin because it's girls and lesbians are hot cousins or not his words not mine. But he hates gay guys point blank period. He hates my guts and told me himself in fireworks. And i do all my power to tease the life out of him. I ask him all the time why make a big deal out of telling me why he hates me and he would just punch me and walk away. I think he's gay in denial and so far in so forth. But he's been living with us for about for about three years now and we are finally juniors and he still hates me. But, whatever i know he want this sexy mexican/white boy like yas. But anyways he hates me and i'm so love with him i may hide it with the teasing but i'm so in love with him.

I guess you can say that i have a lot friends but being on the soccer team and being gay has it's ups and downs. Jason is the football team captain and has been since his freshman yea. Walking into school on todays stupid Monday was dreadful but also interesting. I see all the natural like seeing red from Jason kissing his skitchy ass ( skanky-bitch) girlfriend Vanessa and the girls or passerbys all ogling like little freaks. Jason and Vanessa have been dating since Jason came to live with eighth grade that's when i knew i hated her. She's such a slut and she slept with his best friend but he forgave her but not him. And i know what happened she drugged him and sexed him up but he thought it was his girlfriend Cassie. And Cassie and him broke up so he moved to different school in New York. But, she's cheated on him so many times i lost count and he doesn't know he's caught under spell and everyone has tried to tell him even his aunt but he doesn't believe anyone.

But i have a lot to do today so must ignore the "happy couple". I see Ana talking to Cassie also known as her girlfriend of two years. They got together after Cassie broke up with Nathan she was a crying mess and Ana fixed her up one thing led to another and now they're happily in love. I'm happy for them but i get irritated with there love when i have no one of my own. They try to set me up but none of the guys is Jason. Cassie see's me and tackles me into a hug. Ana with her overly jealous ass pulls her off of me and growls shouting," MIne." I say," Good she got titties i don't want it." Cassie says," Hey whats the matter with me?" I say," Nothing bay i'm sorry lets go have a party in the empty closet down the hall." I said all this while grabbing her leg and putting it on my hip so our crotches touch. I hear a growl and nearly drop Cassie. I turn around and see Jason standing there. I say," What meat head?" He says," I thought you were gay what are you doing?" I say," I'am why does it involve you? And buzz off an go kick a football or something." He says," I dont care and shut the fuck Bently before i kick your ass. Ana i'm going to be late getting home." Ana says," Why?" He says," Me and Vanessa are going to have our first time." I swear everything freezes and then i start laughing. I say," What the hell Barks? First time? She's fucked half the whole school and you still haven't had any yet. I'm dying." He blushes the cute little red color he blushes and walks away not without flipping me off. I'm still laughing and just watch him walk away. Ana says," When are you going to tell him you're in love with him?" I look at her crazy and say," When he isn't a homophobic prick and oh wait when he doesn't have bitchy girlfriend." She gives me a look of sympathy and i walk away. She knows i hate any looks that even look sympathetic.

-Skip Day-

Classes past fast and i realize its the end of the day on my way home yes. Ana is at Cassie's house doing god knows what. And Jason is with slutzilla. Parental units are at work meaning i have this big ass house all to myself. Getting to be in this big ass house is like a blessing because we have speakers meaning 5SOS. I start listening to social casuality while making me food cause i love food yum. I start to dance shaking my butt and swaying my hips. When the song stops i hear the front door slam and stomping of feet up the stairs. I see Jason running into his room. I thought he was going to slutzilla? I should go investigate. I go to his room without knocking and he's upside down on his bed looking at the ceiling. He says," Go away fag." I say," Aww whats the matter finally realize girlfriends a dirty whore." He says," Shut up faggot and get out." I say," What can't handle the truth." He smirks and says," At least my parents didn't give me up, kick me out because i was a faggot." I swear all inch of my breathe stopped and tears started to pour out of my face. I say," Shut up Jason." He says," What you finally realize what an abomination that mommy and daddy didn't even want huh?" I scream and punch him in the face.

Jason's POV'S:

What the fuck did i just do? And did he just punch me? Why did i say that? I knew Vanessa was cheating a long time ago but today packed the punch. She cheated on me with my own brother so of course i'm upset. But to bring up his parents even if he was irritating me was a low blow even for me. I didn't even care about her she was just a distraction from me loving him. I just didn't want to end up like him with no one to really rely on but myself. But i knew from the beginning that i loved him and that it would never stop. In all honesty i think that the only one who had a problem with me being gay is me. My parents didn't care so i don't even understand why i was so upset. But i just ruined my only real chances with him. I run to his room banging on the door trying to get him to come out. he shouts at me telling me to leave him alone but i can't i love him.

When i i hear no more shouting and i hear no more movement. I try to break down the door and realize i'm to late. He's gone because of me it's my fault. I break down in sobs holding his cold bloody body. I kiss his sweet blood red lips for the first and last time. I see the note that's attached to the knife. It reads,

Dear the only family i had,

I love you all but i can't live in this world anymore especially this one. I love you all and i'm really sorry to have put you in the burden of even having to take care of me and put you in so much pain. Jason i love you and me killing myself had nothing a big part of anything. I was going to kill myself i guess you telling me that just gave me a all the more reason to. I love you Jason and i wish i had the guts to tell you before i truly hated myself more. I couldn't take the bullying and the constant hate not only from my peers but from my own mind as well. I love you all and i love you Jason i'm really sorry.

I cried for hours upon hours and no one came home. But i can't live like this not without my love. I took the knife looking at the bloody blade and my reflection through clear passages. I take the knife and plunge it my heart. I lay next to him taking his hand in mine. Going to a place where i know we can be together forever.


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