*no sleep*

483 21 14

It was calm.

The water from the crystal clear lake hit Pin's legs as she watched the beautiful baby blue sky.

The gentle breeze moved past her as she relaxed. This was nice.

The birds chirped overhead, their beautiful songs almost lulling Pin to sleep.

All was quiet.

All was good.

She closed her eyes as she exhaled, laying on her back in a patch of lush green grass.

She smiled to herself, she could really get used to this.

A butterfly landed on Pin's leg as she lays there, enjoying the scenery and calm atmosphere.

She reached for the butterfly, it answered by flying over to her hand.

"Nothing could possibly ruin this" Pin said, closing her eyes once again.



Pin snapped her eyes open, her head quickly rising from her pillow.

A large crash was heard from outside her room.



"Can't we all just get along?!"


Pin looks over at her clock, 7:40.

"So were starting this early, huh?" Pin mumbles as she drags herself from her comfortable bed.

She puts on some slippers and exits her room to see a vase shattered on the ground, Needle and Clock arguing, Leafy looking on in concern, and Firey watching.

Pin couldn't see the others, she guessed they were somewhere else in the house.






"Please just calm down-"



"JUST BE QUIET!! BOTH OF YOU!!" Pin finally snapped.

Every head turned to her as everything went silent.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be mean, but what the hell is going on here?" Pin sighed, rubbing her temples.

Clock and Needle immediately started talking over each other, it was migraine inducing.

Pin put her hand up, silencing both of then again.

"Leafy, what happened?" Pin asked, looking toward the lemon leaf.

"Well, Coiny and Firey were fighting, Needle got angry and told them to shut up, Clock then got angry at Needle and told her to shut up, and now were here." She gestured towards the huge mess in the living room.

"Just... clean a of this up, okay?" Pin groaned, the others reluctantly nodded.

Pin then walked past them into the kitchen, making herself some coffee.

"They can be so annoying, it's like living with a bunch of children sometimes!"

Pin jumped as she heard a voice behind her, only to see it was Eggy eating a plate of bacon and... eggs. Pin decided not to comment on that.

"I know, sometimes I wish they could act older than 5." Pin shook her head, taking the freshly brewed coffee and drinking it straight from the kettle.

The scorching hot, bitter liquid burned her throat, but she couldn't be bothered to care, anything to get an inch of caffeine.

"Didn't sleep?" Eggy tilted her head as Pin downed the entire thing.

Pin groaned and Eggy took it as a yes.

"Hey Pin!" Coiny walked through the doorway, smiling brightly as he gave Pin a hug.

Pin smiled, hugging him back. Coiny always seemed to make her feel more alive, even if he did drive her insane sometimes.

"How did you sleep?" Coiny asked, pulling away from the hug.

"I slept fine, I even had a nice dream." Pin lied, smiling back at him, putting the kettle back into the coffee maker.

"What is there to eat?" Leafy walked into the kitchen, a faked cheerful smile plastered into her face.

Eggy got up and shoved past her back into the living room. Leafy's smile faltered for only a split second before coming back again.

"We have bacon." Coiny said, looking through the fridge.

"Awesome!" Leafy cheered as she took a few slices of the bacon.

Firey entered the room a little bit later, with a lopsided grin on his face and holding something behind his back.

"Leafy, guess what?" Firey smiled, bouncing on his heels.

"What is it?" Leafy seemed eager to hear what he had to say.

"I found the keys to the Freesmart supervan! We can take it for a little joy ride before the alliance finds out!"

"That is... an awesome idea! Let's go!"

Leafy and Firey dash out if the room, giggling and laughing like children.

Couny and Pin look at each other, before Coiny starts laughing.

"They act so chaotic when around each other! It's hilarious!"

"It's not so hilarious when I have to pay for damages.." Pin sighs, shaking my head.

Today is going to be a long day.


Lol this is all over the place but here you go! A mom Pin au just for you.

This idea has been pestering me for a while, so I had to finally write it down lol.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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