CHAPTER ONE: Izuku Midoriya

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"I want to be a hero!" Izuku proudly exclaimed to the dinner table, posing on a chair like All Might. The only reaction he gets are two airs of wide eyes. "Izuku, What are you wearing?" His older brother, Tenko, asks.

The small boy wore a blue hoodie with yellow stripes made of tape across the chest, two peace's of paper on his hood were pointed upwards, resembling the hero's hair style.

"It's my All Might costume! I made it myself!" He proudly exclaims. "Do you like it?" His father held onto his spoon, desperately trying to keep his composure.

'Of all the jobs.' His thoughts hurt his head at how fast they were moving. 'Of all the people.' He puts on a fake smile, trying to appease his son. "Yes, I do."


The UA school building was frightening for the now 16 year old Izuku Midoriya, almost everything about it seeming to be intimidating, from the large cement foundation to the tainted blue windows.

"Master Izuku." The Butler now was at the car door, opening it for the boy. "You can just call me Izuku, Charles." Izuku slightly chuckles at the older man.

Izuku's eyes glistened as he sees the golden gates of UA, it not taking long for him to jump out the car and run there, bidding the chauffeur a goodbye.

After a few steps into the yard of the school, he urned his sprint into a brisk jog, his mind immediately running over the rules he had set for himself.

First off, he needed to cherry pick the quirks he needed, much like picking clothes. What would be the best quirk to not be considered weak, but still have people not be hesitant to approach him?

'Air canon is a good quirk and can pack a punch, but when it's combined with impact recoil, muscle augmentation, and fortify, it can do serious damage. No, that's too strong, and i don't have that much training with muscle augmentation. Maybe I'll just do air canon plus impact recoil and fortify...'

Izuku continues to mutter on, not noticing when he takes a wrong step on the stairs, his body now falling to the floor. 'Well, so much for good first impressions' Izuku braces for impact.

But it never comes? His eyes open, his nose barely an inch from the concrete floor, a looming shadow above him. It was a girl with brown hair and round face.

After a few seconds of awkward staring, Izuku adjust himself, getting back onto his feet. "Thank you." He says as he stands up. "No problem. I heard it's bad luck to fall in your first day, so I'm glad to help out." She smiles.

"Anyway, good luck." She says before leaving. Izuku waits for her to be out of sight before walking, not wanting it to make it awkward.

After a few moments, he reaches the front door. The general room was large, with several blue banners with the golden symbol of UA on them.

There was a sign that pointed towards the hallway on the left;

Classes 1-A to 1-Z this way

Izuku walks into that direction, only moving for a second or two before coming to the plus sized doorway of class 1-A.

Hesitantly, he steps inside, ready to meet his peers. "Get your feet off your desk!" A boy with blue hair yelled at someone in front of him. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" Another voice spoke, this one painfully familiar.

'It can't be...' Izuku thinks, walking around to see a boy with sharp blonde hair and a permanent murderous glare. "Looks like you made a friend, Katsuki." Izuku gives the blonde a glare.

"They seriously let a nerd like you in here?" Katsuki Bakugo stands from his seat, now approaching Izuku. "Deku." He calls him. Both of them have each other a death glare.

"Shut it, you two." A voice now game from the front of the class. "I'd rather not have a fight go down in my classroom, so take it outside if you need too."

The man at the front of the room was older, with greasy black hair and simple black jumpsuit with a very long smart around his neck.

"I'm your teacher, Shota Aizawa." He half-assed introduces himself. "I'm gonna cut this short, get your PE clothes on." He says. "We're doing a quirk test."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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