1; firefly & the moon

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Kazuha's back was pressed against yours, both of you adopting crouched stances with your respective blades at the ready.

The setting sun burned gold behind your eyelids, sweat rolling down your hairline and neck. The air was abnormally still, save for the puffs of breath spilling from yours and Kazuha's lips.

It had started out as a simple supply run; but as luck would have it, you crossed paths with the vision hunters, eventually getting yourselves cornered. While you'd usually trump them in a fight with ease, they had the unfortunate foresight this time to rope in a vision bearer.

Internally, you couldn't help but scoff. Talk about fighting fire with fire.

As it were, you were stuck in this sticky situation with no backup. You and Kazuha had seen the Traveler off at Inazuma's borders a long time ago, and Beidou was the one who had requested the impromptu supply run for The Crux. It was no fault of hers, and it had been foolish and complacent of you to have forgotten that the electro archon had eyes and ears plastered in every corner of Inazuma.

All it took was the wrong time and place for the pair of you to be trapped.

Thumbing your vision under your layers of clothes, you knew you and Kazuha shared the same thought; you both would rather die than surrender your visions.

Perhaps in another life, you would have done differently, but the recent loss of your mutual friend left a fierce desire to protect what was left of his will. In honour of his sacrifice, you and Kazuha had resolved to guard his dulled electro vision and in turn, hold onto your own visions in defiance too.

The crunching of leaves snapped you out of your daze, one of the vision hunters stepping forward. You felt Kazuha tense behind you, and your grip on your sword tightened instinctually.

"I think you know what we're here for. You can either make it easy for yourselves," the vision hunter drawled, "or you can make this way harder than it needs to be."

A flash of purple at his hip. So he was an electro vision user, you mused.

"Aren't you a vision holder too? Yet you act as nothing more than the raiden shogun's lowly lapdog," you bit out venomously.

The mocking tone in your voice didn't go unnoticed, judging by the hunter's narrowed eyes and tightened jaw. Kazuha shifted subtly, and if it weren't for the situation you were in he'd have definitely chided you for provoking the enemy.

"Contrary to the likes of you traitors, I at least have some semblance of loyalty to my archon," he retorted. "You would do well to remember that your disrespect and disobedience will be repaid tenfold by Baal herself."

"Go to hell," you bite back, and the world around you exploded into motion.

The winds which had been previously silent came to life, shrieking as they blew with a hurricane-like force. Enemies were swept off their feet and sent tumbling into the eye of the storm, leaves and debris spinning all around you. Fervently and with sweat slicked palms, you swiftly weaved your own element into the tornado, your blade leaving great streaks of color in its wake. While Kazuha dealt with the visionless hunters, you turned to face the one remaining.

The vision-bearing hunter had recovered quickly from the initial impact, summoning his bow and levelling it with your head. While his aim was true, you already anticipated it, letting the electro-infused arrow sail harmlessly past your head. Taking advantage of the opening, you infused your sword with your element and dove in, executing elemental combo after combo in an attempt to get in close and land a blow. Your katana managed to nick him a couple of times, but you had failed to account for his own elemental skill.

firefly & the moon (kazuha/reader oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now