Happy Birthday Beautiful P1

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'Twas the morning of Kurt's 20th birthday, when the sun arose and shone through the windows, causing Kurt to aggressively turn over on his side. Blaine still tightly spooned next to him and slowly began to open his eyes. Blaine gave out a yawn and rubbed his eyes, then turned over to Kurt and gave him a soft kiss against his temple.

"Good morning sleepyhead, guess who's special day it is," He continued, brushing his hand gently across Kurt's cheek. "Yours my love." He gave Kurt another soft kiss to his temple before forcing him to arise from his slumber.

Kurt wasn't a very early morning person, and it was always a struggle to wake him up, but once he was awake, he sure was awake. Kurt groaned a little and turned over to face Blaine, slowly opening his eyes and let out a sentence in a monotone morning voice, "What time is it?" He said, his voice croaky and not ready for the world to hear yet. Blaine moved Kurt's hair from his face and kissed his forehead, "Time for you to get up." He persisted on Kurt's arise, and smiled a big old dorky smile.

Kurt yawned and sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes and trying to fix his hair. He looked at his phone and saw it was 08:40AM, he let out a little groan, slightly aggressive but sleepy. Blaine knew it annoyed him when he woke him up early, especially on days like this so he gave out a little giggle. "I hate you." Kurt mumbled under his breath, and lightly threw his pillow at Blaine.
"I know." He giggled, throwing it back and pulling slightly on Kurt's arm to get up, "Hurry up!!" Clearly Blaine was more excited for Kurt's birthday than Kurt was. Understandable, Blaine's a child. "Okay okay, im awake!" He gave Blaine a quick peck on the lips.

Kurt got up and put on his silk, red robe with his initials on the pocket then smiled at Blaine slightly, opening the curtains and being startled by the bright sky. "Jesus." He groaned, shook his head, then tied up his robe.
"Ooh ohh! I cant wait for you to see what i got you." Blaine gave out a little laugh and he had so much bursts or energy it felt so overwhelming for Kurt, then again he was used to it.

"Can i have coffee first?" Kurt insisted and looked at Blaine; "Finee, but you have to let me make you breakfast." Blaine tugged at Kurt's robe a little and did his famous puppy eyes. Kurt let out a sigh, there was no way he could say no to those damn eyes. "Be my guest." He said, leaning down and giving Blaine a gentle kiss onto his curls.

They went downstairs together to see Burt, Carole and Finn had come over with lots of presents and smiles. "Happy birthday!" Kurt was pretty overwhelmed by the fact that it was almost 9AM and people had the audacity to be in his house this early, of course, he knew this was Blaine's idea, so he let it slide. "Thanks." Was all he said and went towards the coffee machine.

"He's annoyed cause i woke him up early lol" Blaine whispered and took everyone into the main living room, "How are you guys doing?" He said pretty enthusiastically and sat on the floor near the fireplace. Everyone sat down on the couch and Finn took the bean bag.

"We're pretty good thank you Blaine, we haven't seen you guys since Christmas! How have you been?" Said Carole, giving Blaine a big old hug. "We're not to bad thank you, Kurt got into his second Vogue magazine and I've been studying the arts. How 'bout you Finn? How are things with you and Rachel?" He smiled.
"That's amazing, we're fine." He smiled back just in time as Kurt entered the room and sat in his special chair, before you know it, Burt gave him a super hug and messed up his hair a little, making Kurt spill some of his coffee.

"Daddd!" He groaned but then laughed a little. "How's my favourite birthday boy?" Burt and Blaine were the most enthusiastic people about birthdays he'd ever seen. "I'm good, I'm good." He hugged his dad then put his arms out to Blaine, asking him to come and sit on his lap like the child he is. Blain rushed over to him and sat on his lap, hugging him tightly and giving him a sweet kiss on the nose.

"Gross." Groaned a one jealous Finn, he was sad because Rachel was busy on a job and couldn't come. "Shut up Finn." Kurt scowled and played with Blaine's curls. "Boys. Let's not argue on this wonderful day now okay?" Burt said with a slight disappointed look on his face at Finn. Burt clapped his hands and looked around.
"So? Who's first?" By whos first, he meant who wanted to give Kurt their present first.
Carole jumped up and insisted on being first, "Me! Me!" She yelled, and picked up a bag and took it over to Kurt, "Here you go honey, it's not much but i think you'll like it." She said, giving Kurt a big smile than sat back down.

"Open it! Open it!" Chanted Blaine, and hopped off from Kurt's lap so he could open it.
Kurt frowned a little when Blaine left, but took the bag and opened it to reveal the prettiest scarf he'd ever seen. "Where did you get this? I LOVE IT" He exclaimed happily, going over to hug Carole, "Thank you. This is perfect." He hugged Carole then sat back down. Finn was next, of course, he was a little too uneducated and didn't really know what to get his brother, but he tried. He took a small box over to Kurt then sat back down. Kurt opened it and his eyes widened when he saw a small pocket watch inside, "This might be the best present you've ever gotten me Finn," He continued, "Good job, this is beautiful. Thanks." He smiled at Finn, giving him a slight hug.

Blaine smiled at the two boys, getting along for once, it was a rare sight but it was pretty magical. "Okayy Burt your turn!" Blaine giggled, knowing he wanted to be last.
Burt stood up and got a bag from the side and took it over to Kurt, "I uh, i hope you like it bud, Carole helped me pick it out." He smiled, ruffling Kurt's hair a little.
"Is it another scarf?" Kurt laughed while going to open the bag and to his surprise, it was a new collect of real Marc Jacobs bags that he didn't already have. He ran over and gave both Burt and Carole huge hugs and kisses. "I love everything, thank you thank you."

Blaine was a little jealous, seeming that his present was definitely not as good as that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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