When he walks into a room all you can hear are the giggles he's making. The tips of his lips reached to the very brim of his ears, he was as lively as a puppy meeting its new family. His huge gentle eyes blinking so subtly. I remember the last time I saw him, it was like the last time I had found out how to really have fun. His giggles are as soft as the morning mist. The day I awoke to find he was gone, his beautiful face and laugh are still in my mind.
I could never let go of him. He is like a brother to me, it was the first time I had really felt so much pain in my heart. It was something that had just left my life and I would never get it back. To this day at night, I still lie in bed sobbing wondering what if he never had died. Ever since he died it has opened my eyes to somethings that I would have never have thought I would have ever thought about. I have done some many things in my life that change me for the better but without him, I wouldn't have realised how precious life is and that I should always take all the amazing chances I get to make sure I live my life the way you would've to live the rest of your life. Now I have my own angel in the sky that I think of every day. You were like a brother to me and I'll never forget you. Your cheer is still in the world and it will never go away. He brought life into everyone he met, his heart was so big and joyful. The world didn't deserve him, he didn't deserve to die. His smile was so contagious it could spread across the world. His memory will never be lost.
I love you Rakan.
20/04/2010 - 09/08/2016