"hero vs. assassin" Part 13

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*location:bludhaven* hawkgirl:*landed* so where is wilson exactly? john:he said to meet us here before 24 hours *then deathstroke slowly appears* hal:here he is martian manhunter:we got your message deathstroke:good so how we plan to destroy the weapon?  black adam:that what i'm asking you shazam:wait how can we trust this guy i herd many stories about him! batman:he's after nightwing deathstroke:so that his new target huh?...seems he trying to make you all emotionally weak...he's a clever thing ain't he? cyborg:why the military of all people hired you after all the shit you did  deathstroke:desperation at it finest mr. stone  starfire:*looks a bit scared* deathstroke:i only do this because it's my job raven:...how we know you don't turn your backs on us deathstroke:oh raven *touches her hair a bit* your quite the wisest and strongest of the titans  make sense why you be questioning me raven:*backs away and then a birdrang hits near by nightwing* nightwing:why the hell your here? deathstroke:to destory axis mano-nightwing:and then us as well...i can't trust anything from you deathstroke:seems the old bird still can't trust someone like my-nightwing:YOU ALL MOST KILLED MY FRIENDS! *pulls out his staffs and attacking deathstroke but deathstroke blocks the attacks with his sword* deathstroke:you were my favorite target nightwing:and you were my least favorite psychopath i fought  deathstroke:your world is in great danger...but yet you still want the prize starfire:wait richard he-nightwing:YOUR DEAD TO ME! *attacking deathstroke* deathstroke:*pulls out a knife and attacks nightwing* this takes me back when you were a "robin" nightwing:AAARGH!!! *attacks and hits deathstroke's mask* deathstroke:*attacks and slashes nightwing's cheek* nightwing:s-shit! deathstroke:*pulls out a pistol* shall we dance? nightwing:*punches deathstroke*  batman:grayson watch out! cyborg:yo! he not af-nightwing:HOW CAN YOU TRUST HIM! *then deathstroke punches nightwing's back* nightwing:GAH! deathstroke:never get your eyes off the target that's hunting 101 nightwing:*throw a flash bomb but deathstroke dodges and it hits wonder woman* wonder woman:*closes her eyes when it goes off* aquaman:fl-flash:on it! *runs and grabbed nightwing* nightwing:WHAT-flash:SOMEONE ELSE IS AFTER YOU! YOU GOTTA TRUST THE GUY! deathstroke:heh nightwing:*breaks free and trips* raven:he telling the truth deathstroke:i am pretty convincing am i richard nightwing:*punches deathstroke and his mask crack a bit* deathstroke:that all you got...i thought you were better then this *attacks but nightwing dodges* black canary:stop moving nightwing! *screams and deathstroke got hit* deathstroke:urk! nightwing:*tackles deathstroke* deathstroke:seems your still stuck in the past huh? nightwing:shut the HELL UP! *hits deathstroke with his staffs and zapped him* deathstroke:*backs away* nightwing:*looks* deathstroke:*drops his weapons* nightwing:what kinda trick your pulling out this time deathstroke:i surrender  nightwing:who the hell is after me?! deathstroke:it not "who" he more of a..."what" if you catch my drift grayson  nightwing:BULLSHIT! *about to attack but then a blast came straight towards nightwing and starfire pushes nightwing and she got hit* starfire:AH!! nightwing:KORI!! *grabbed deathstroke* WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! deathstroke:nothing nightwing:your a fucking l-astroman:just the man i'm looking for! *grabs the pistol and aims it at nightwing* cybrog:axis! batman:he telling the truth nightwing:who...are you? *lets go and deathstroke quickly grabs his weapons* astroman:humanity's worst nightmare *about to pull the trigger but the bullet got blocked by deathstroke's sword* astroman:grr!! YOU KILLED PEOPLE! WHY HIM?! nightwing: y-you saved me?! deathstroke:...you weren't the target he is astroman:*shoots and deathstroke attacks and cut off astroman's arm flesh* nightwing:WAIT HE JUST HU-raven:he's far from "normal" simply put astroman:the army sent their best assassin and this is what I GOT?! THIS PLANET IS A FUCKING JOKE! wonder woman:wha-astroman:in galaxy X67 my core mission is to serve and be the best weapon...and you all kept getting in my FUCKING WAY! black adam:not tonight *attacks and astroman kicks black adam to a car* shazam:*punches astroman but a forcefield appears* astroman:i gotten smarter kid *blasted shazam* aquaman:he's getting away! *astroman makes his wings appear and flying off* astroman:TRY TO GET ME TO YOUR DEATH HEROES! nightwing:what the fuck was that?! starfire:once...a justice league member  nightwing:wha-batman:clark will fill you in deathstroke:he heading to the graveyard nightwing:yeah..your right deathstroke:i thought you can't trust me grayson nightwing:...til that bastard showed up no.. superman:off to the graveyard let's move!

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