Lets Begin

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Authors note: this is a AU so some things aren't going to be the exact same.


All I remember was waking up in a chair tied down with doctors around me with their wicked grins like they accomplished something great. The idea of that happening didn't feel right like it wasn't suppose to happen I don't know why but it felt so wrong.

One of the doctors were on the side with a syringe with some kind of green liquid it was a bright neon green. I didn't want the man getting anywhere near me, then this idea popped in my head a crazy one. I felt my lips tug into those sicken grin of wanting to do something terrible.

The next thing I remember was walking out of that room with those lifeless body's of the doctors to see kids? I was confused at first but the more I looked the more I saw guys in black suits training the kids to their end I didn't like that one bit.

An explosion happened on the side of the wall where I was standing as some kids left running two of them ran to me looking back I don't remember much of their looks but their eyes, one had this bright blue but dull at the same time the other child had a warm gold color to them, but one thing similar were the emotions they hold, pleading I didn't know why, they didn't belong here so I told them to leave I couldn't quite hear what they were saying like they were begging to go together I told them I didn't know them they seemed to understand what happened but also heartbroken so they left through the hole in the wall that was the last time I saw those kids.

When I was finally done with those filthy people, I had blood on me when I left that god forsaking place I didn't know why I had so much hatred to that place but I let my anger out so I guess bye to that lab? It did have doctors so.

I was the alleyway I wasn't injured or anything I didn't feel weak like those guys they seem to overused whatever quirk they had but I felt as if I can go on forever. I heard a lady scream when I turned the corner i saw she was surrounded by four guys they had guns and knives one guy had his hand out in a choking motion the lady was not on the ground and her hands were on her neck as if being chock so I guessed he was using his quirk I guess one of them noticed me.

"Hey there's nothing to see guy." I hummed I turn around to leave till I heard the lady plead. "P-please hel-p me." I groaned this feeling of helping was not a feeling I liked. 'If she wants help, help she shall get.' I turned to face the guys and stared walking to them. "HEY man I told you there's nothing to see here!" I can hear a bit of annoyance in his voice i felt a grin coming on my face. "Oh I know that's what YOU said but the lady says other wise." I can hear them growl at me oh how rude. One of the guys ran at me he was a average height I was still taller I summoned a katana as I swinged the weapon he jumps on the wall run side ways  interesting I must say, as he lands behind me ready to punch but he was to slow I turned around and sliced the part of his chest weakened he back up that was enough space to lunged forward piercing him, pulling out the weapon his body went lifeless you can tell in the eyes nothing was there. The other three seemed pissed "WHAT THE HELL MAN AREN'T YOU A HERO, HEROES DON'T KILL!!" I calmly respond "I'm no hero" in a cold voice that makes even the strongest shiver as I turned around to see the guys and the lady have fear in there eyes the guy with the telekinesis quirk dropped the girl and started running the other two followed the lady still on the ground catching her breath I lifted my hand ready to get this done a over with as black flames emerged spreading wildly through the alleyway killing the three guys and the lady. Oh ya she wanted help I just shrugged it felt needed to do that so I just walked away like nothing happened.

Present time

"After many years of doing some what you heroes call 'villain work' hehe I got tired of all the winning against you heroes and some villains so I guess you can say I needed retirement like you All Might but not out of weakness but boredom and then we're here in Tartarus having this meaningless talk about me, hey been meaning to ask before I told my story why again do you need to know about me?"

"Because y/n I want you to be a teachers assistant of class 1A of UA high school."


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