Welcome to Busan High School

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Before you read this book i want to say that this isn't any romance book, and there won't be alot yoonmin moments or smut. This is deep book about Jimin's high school life
And i am sorry about mistakes! English isn't my first language so excuse that^^

Enjoy the book~

I'm starting high school today. I have seven new notebooks, a sweater that I hate and my stomach hurts.
The school bus will reach our corner. The door opens and I do stuble inside. I'm the first student he's picking up

The driver starts and I am still standing in the hallway between the seats.. Where should I sit? I've never been desperate idiot who is sitting at the very back. If I sit in the middle, eomeone would sit down next to me.. Someone I don't know. When I sit forward, It will look like I am still a child, but there I will have the best chance of making eye contact with anyof my 'friends'.. that is, if one of them decides
that he will still talk to me at all.

The bus recruits groups of five or six students
here. People who used to work with me in pairs at the lab  or practicing with me in the gym, are deathly glaring at me. That's what I was so scared of. When we leave the
last stop, I am the only one still sitting alone.

The driver shifts to a lower speed and drags us over the hill. It rumbles in the engine and the boys in the back start shouting
vulgar. Someone was spraying too much deodorant. I'm trying
open the window, but the tiny latches are stiff. Some boy for
he unpacks my breakfast and hits me my nape with the wrapper, the wrapper falls on my lap. Ew.. Store bought chocolate Rolls.

We drive past the employees of the school, who were repainting the
sign in front of the school. School decided that, Busan High School - home of Air fighters
does not motivate the students enough and so we were turned into Blue Devils, However, the school colors are still cyan
and gray. The council did not want to buy new uniforms..

Older students can walk until the bell rings outside, but the younger students rushed into the auditorium.

We belong to groups: Musclemen, Peasants, Genius Idiots, Human
Trash , Skaters , Cheerleaders, Future American fascists,
Fuckboys , Goodtimers , Suffering Artists,  Showmens, Goths and even
Perverts. However, I do not belong to any group. Last wasted the weeks of August watching stupid disney movie. I didn't go to the mall, to the swimming pool,
I didn't even go to the parks and I didn't pick up if anyone was calling trough these two months. I have no one and nowhere to sit..

I'm an outcast

There is no point in looking for ex friends. Our group, Ugly idiots broke and destroyed our friendship.. Yongwoo hangs out with the Muscles and compares with them. Ivy flies
between Suffering Artists on one side of the corridor and Showmens on the other. She has such a big ego that she can be in two packs at once. Jessica moved to Nevada.
It's not a big loss. She was mostly friends with Ivy anyways

Those people behind me are laughing so loudly that it's clear to me that they are laughing at me. I can't help it, I'll turn around. It's Yena surrounded by a group of teenagers in clothes that clearly does not come from the Busan School shopping center. Yena
Kim, my ex-best friend. She stares at something above my left ear. Words are starting to mix in my throat but my mouth keeps qsuffered

This one the girl suffered with me as a scout unit she taught me to swim, she knew my relationships with my parents and she never made fun of my bedroom. If there is any person in the whole galaxy,which I would love to say, what really happened, is it
to Yena. My troath starts burning..

Our views meet for a moment. "I hate you," She mutters with her lips silently, Then she turns her back on me and starts to
laughing with her friends. I nerviously bite my lip. I won't
think about it. It was disgusting, but it's gone, and I don't want to think about it. A drop of blood pops up on my lip. It has familiar metal taste.. I need to sit down for a while.

After few minutes I am standing in the hallway that leads to the center of the auditorium, wounded zebra in a special issue of 'National Geographic' is looking for someone, anyone to sit with. The predator is approaching him: gray sport shorts, white smelly shirt and whistle hanging down his neck. He's is my history teacher who is somehow even PE teacher.

Mr.Seo: "Sit down."
I sit down quickly. Another wounded zebra turns to me and smiles. He has braces in his mouth, but he has really cool shoes. "I'm Seungkwan and I'm from Seoul" he says. "I'm new here. You too? " I don't have time to answer him. The lights go out
and indoctrination begins..

1. We are here to help you.
2. You will have plenty of time to get to class before the bell rings.
3. Dressing rules must be followed.
4. No smoking is allowed on the school premises.
5. This year, our team will win the football championship.
6. We expect more from you here.
7. Teachers are always ready to listen.
8. The schedule is compiled according to your needs.
9. The lock code of your locker is private.
10. You will remember these years with emotion.

The first lesson is biology. I can't find the class and I am scared i will fail even in the first class. It's almost nine. There is still until the graduation
699 days and 7 teaching hours.

To be continue ---->

To be continue ---->

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