24.0// Fire Exit //

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What is he doing right now? Is he okay? Is he thinking of me? Probably not. 


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts 

"Mr Styles is outside". 

"Thank you".

I picked up my phone and purse and took one last look in the mirror. 

He would've loved this dress 

I shaked off my thoughts and grabbed my coat. I met Harry outside. He looked so happy to see me it made me feel squeamish.

"You look nice" he said as he opened my car door for me.

"Just nice?"

He rolled his eyes and got into the car too. 

—————— ———————————————————————————————

Things couldn't be any better. I didn't run out of things to say and I managed not to think of, well, him. Harry was so funny and charming, making this night one of my favourites. Maybe the start of a new beginning?

"So I haven't been too boring, have I?" Harry asked, filling his glass.

"Shut up Harry, you know you haven't".

"So you've enjoyed yourself?"

"Hm, you could say that".

"Bet you've never had this much fun at a.... what did we call this again?"

"An informal dinner", I reminded him, laughing. "And I have to say, it's lived up to its name".

"Then would you care to make this even more informal?" He said as he moved his hands closer to mine. 

I bit my lip, "What do you have in mind?"

He sat back in his chair, looking at me dead in the eyes. "We could go back to my place, get the drinks flowing, and we see what happens from there?"

I sat back in my chair. "I don't drink, remember?"

"I doub you'll need alcohol to fall in love with my charm". He smirks. 

I looked down, flushing, "Harry, you are going to be the death of me". I said, taking a sip of my water

"Do I make you nervous darling?"

I looked up, raising eyebrows at him. 

"Oops, sorry I forgot you used to be a mafia boss".

"Shut up! Not so loud!"

He chuckled, "Right what do you say?"

"I say I'll think about it"

"Well you've got until I come back from the gents. I'm desperate for a piss".

"Told you you should've layed off the wine".

"And I'm supposed to be listening to you am I?"

"You'll want to if I'm coming round yours. Now go, before you wet your trousers.".

I watch him hop to the toilets, smiling to myself. I felt a buzz and saw it was one of my friends asking how the dates going. 

I started responding to texts until I heard a car pull up. A black Range, nothing too out of the ordinary. Or was it? I shook my head, and distracted myself. Must be the food.

Seconds later, a waiter came over and dropped a napkin into my lap. I looked up, bewildered, but saw no one there. There were waiters everywhere. I picked up the napkin and it read 

Meet me by the fire exit. Come alone

I recognised the handwriting and folded the napkin. My heart was pounding out of my heart and I wasn't sure what to do. How am I supposed to go without telling Harry?

"So, what do you say?" Harry came back from the toilets, standing behind his chair, already grabbing his jacket. 

"Um...I just realised....I need the loo".

Harry frowned, "Why didn't you go when I left?"

"I didn't want you to think I just left". I lied, hoping it might convince him. When I saw his face soften, I could tell my lie had done the trick. 

"It's okay, take your time" 

"Thanks. I won't be more than five minutes". He nodded and sat down.

I hurriedly got up from my seat, and made my way to the toilet. When I knew I was out of his sight, I made a right and walked out of the fire exit. 

I saw him standing there, with his back to me. There were sounds coming from the kitchen and the garbage was sitting by the wall. There were broken beer bottles everywhere.

"Not exactly the most attractive meeting place". I said, making myself known. 

He turned around and looked me up and down. 

"You look nice". 

"What do you want Tom".

"All dolled up for your date, wearing my favourite colour," he continued, as if I hadn't said anything, "except when I drove past, I saw you sat there, alone. Got stood up?"

I clenched my fists. This was going to be a long night. And even more words were to be said.

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