᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - ten

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"you guys are what?!" jihoon yelled as he slammed the lunch room's table, causing everyone turned to us.

"jihoon calm down," yoshi said while patting jihoon's back a few times. "y'all should continue what you're doing," yoshi said to everyone who's watching us and they continue to eat.

yoshinori is cool.

"and you're not telling me yesterday? miwa what?!" jihoon continues to be crazy.

"are you mad?" i pouted, putting my arms on my waist.

if he's mad about it instead of supporting me then, bye bye jihoon.

"n - no of course not haha. i'm just so surprised. you should have told me yesterday that you guys just started last night," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"ugh i'm late," i heard hyunsuk muttered beside me.

since i heard that, i'm getting more curious. what does he mean by that? while the others were talking, i tried to talk with hyunsuk.

"what do you mean?" i asked while blinking twice.

hyunsuk turned to me with a shocked face. "uhh—nothing," he rubbed the back of his neck with a faint smile.

"i heard what you said. what's late?"

he sighed then looked down, avoiding my gaze. "you see, i actually likes you," he bit his lower lip before continuing. "but it's okay, i support you and shiho."

hyunsuk likes me? i feel bad for him now, but i'm also happy that he supports us.

"sorry hyunsuk, and thank you," i gave him a quick hugged. he just smiles at me normally then we continue to eat.

"congratulations you two!" junkyu exclaimed happily.

"thank you," i said and shoot him a smile.

when the others mind their own business, mashiho who is beside me leaned in and whispered. "let's have a date after school."

"sure," i said excitedly.

he gave his charming smile and we continue to eat again. we were eating peacefully while having a conversation untill hyunjin came to our table with a smile plastered on his face. the weird thing is, he is smiling and there's no jisung and felix.

his smile is sincere, i can see that.

"hey miwa, guys," hyunjin said.

i only looked down, not sure if i should reply back. cause they're enemies. i also didn't expect that the boys replied him back with a smile too.

did i missed something?

"huh?" i raised my eyebrows with a confused expression.

"we're a good friends now, don't worry," hyunsuk patted my head a few times.

they're a good friends? that's good! i missed a lot of things when i didn't come to school yesterday. oh how i wish to see how they made it. the point is, i'm happy now that i don't have to scream and be mad.

"miwa," hyunjin called.

i looked up to have an eye contact with him. "we're still friends right?"

i nodded with a smile. he grinned happily before he could go away and waved at us. i can see another side of hyunjin now and i'm glad with it. he's not really that mysterious or creepy like before, he's actually sweet when he smiles.

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