Part 1

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It's over now. It's all over now. No more pain. No more living in fear of what could possibly be around the corner ready to kill them. Their story finally ended, and now they get to live the life they have always wanted but thought could never happen. Daniel couldn't believe it at first, but once one year went by without receiving any calls about violent attacks or mysterious disappearances, he knew that he was finally living in the utopian world he had always dreamed about.

Daniel got out of his 1967 Chevy Impala and leaned his back against a bridge with his arms crossed over his chest and a gentle smile spreading across his face. He looked out beyond the river flowing in front of him and watched as the sun started to set. As he stood there, he started thinking about everything he was going to be able to do with his life now that he didn't have to fight crime and solve mysteries. Although he had been able to travel across the United States when he was fighting crime, he never had the chance to go on vacations and experience the world to see its beauty. He had only experienced darkness and violence throughout his entire life, but now that the world was a utopia, the only thing he wanted to do was travel the world with his brother, Caleb, and see how truly amazing and beautiful the world was. He wasn't sure how he and Caleb were going to learn how to live a normal life, but he was determined that he was going to live his life to the fullest and experience all that he could before the time came for him to die.

While standing on the bridge, Daniel closed his eyes and really experienced just how peaceful the world was. He listened to the birds chirping, the water flowing from the river, and he felt the cool Autumn breeze on his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw Caleb walking towards him with a devastated look on his face. Daniel wasn't sure what could have made Caleb devastated because they had received the life they always wanted. When Caleb got to where Daniel was standing, Daniel said, "Why the frown, Danny? We finally got the life we've always wanted! No more living in fear."

Caleb glanced down at Daniel and gave him a quick smile but went back to frowning. "I just don't know what to do. How are we ever going to learn how to live normal lives after everything we experienced through all those years of living in fear and seeing all the pain and torture people went through?"

Daniel shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but I do know that one way or another, we are going to figure it out because this is the life we've always dreamed about, and I'm going to make the best of it in the time that I have left, and so should you."

Caleb was always the more intelligent one between him and his brother. He wanted to have a game plan before taking any actions whereas Daniel, on the other hand, was the kind of person to jump straight into the action without thinking. Caleb was the kind of person that could always find several positives out of a negative, and he always had hope that things would turn out for the best, but after the entire world changed and turned into a utopia that he had never experienced before, he didn't what to think or how to respond to what happened. For the first time, Caleb was completely lost and didn't know what actions he needed to take, but he just kept on telling himself that he and Daniel would figure things out eventually and that he just needed to stay positive and keep an open mind.

When Caleb and Daniel were finished having their moment of peace standing on the bridge, Daniel gave Caleb a slap on the back and said, "Come on. I know what we are going to do first in this new life."

Caleb looked at Daniel with a concerned and confused look because he knew how reckless Daniel could be sometimes. Caleb sat in the car and when he closed the door, he looked at Daniel and said, "Just don't kill us on our first day of being normal people."

Daniel kept looking forward out of his front window at the long road in front of him and had a mischievous look on his face. Daniel pressed the brake down to the floor, then pressed the gas down to the floor, which made the tires start squealing. Caleb grabbed the handle above the passenger door because he knew what was coming next. Daniel quickly released the brake and sped off the bridge in a heartbeat. Once they reached the main road, Daniel slowed down and started going at the normal speed. Caleb looked over at Daniel and said, "If you do that again, I can guarantee that I will puke in this car."

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