Only Chapter

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Posting this here in hopes of stopping people like •Zekie Virgil• from stealing it.

Inspired by Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton-John

Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, smut, minor character death


People will probably think that the festival was a success in Technoblade's point of view. That since he kept following his views and did what he does best—doing whatever the Hell he wants—, he'd consider it a win, a victorious day to remember.

People will be wrong.

Dread curls up inside his ribcage and his tongue is attacked by the bitter aftertaste of a meaningless triumph as he approaches his base.

The first thing he does once he's finally inside the safe walls if his safe hiding hole is to take off everything he has on him. Some items he just carelessly throws somewhere, some he gently puts away int their correct place. Some things in life just ask for a bit more care, don't they? Once that's done, he grabs a change of clothes and directs himself to a little bathing area he built, as his paranoia wouldn't ever allow him to be vulnerable in the open to bathe in the river. The water is cold against his skin while he washes himself until his skin is angrily pink, the only caution he takes is to not hurt himself with his nails. He doesn't want his guest to smell his blood and add one more worry to his back.

Once he deems himself clean enough, Techno dries himself and dresses up as quickly as possible, not bothering to give his long damp hair the attention he probably should. Throwing his towel carelessly, he starts making his way to the only other room in his base. Since he lived alone, he saw no reason to have a bedroom separated from the rest of his stuff, but now he has someone else living with him, even if for a short time, and the mere idea of having the guy he's been crushing on for months in his bed filled the pinkett with too many emotions he'd rather not poke now... or ever.

God, the smell is strong even in the hallway. A mix of fruit, probably lime, and grass, like a refreshing sunny day. There is a touch of sweetness to it, pointing out the heat of an omega, the scent attacking Techno's senses and making his mouth water. Part of him wants to make a hole in the ground and bury his head until the smell goes away and he doesn't have to worry about losing his mind. Another part of him wants to throw the door open and bury his head between two creamy legs.

Needless to say, he's having a crisis.

"Dream?" Techno knocks on the door. "Dream, I'm back."

"Come in..." Comes the answer, breathless and shaky.

Technoblade takes a fortifying breath, which helps nothing because it just makes him inhale more of the omega's delicious scent, which in turn sends a jolt of arousal through all his body that stops only at his already hardening dick.

His crisis just got worse. Joy.

Dream being an omega is not as surprising as some might think. Sure, he doesn't have the usual meekness and quietness expected from omegas, nor does he have the wish of settling down and having a peaceful life with a mate and a family. Dream is chaotic and free-spirited, he's confident and loud, he craves a good adventure or, at the very least, a nice trip. Stagnation is the bane of his existence. But he has the other omega traits, "mother henning" and being very cuddly being the biggest ones. He's that person who will troll you one second, and die for you the next. Or kill for you, Dream has done that, too.

So when he came out as an omega, Technoblade had not been surprised. He had been delighted, actually. Because, as an alpha, it's much easier for him to court an omega, simply because alphas are naturally too stupid to see the courting as courting when it comes from another alpha. Romance between alphas is not unheard of, but most of them start with a lot of fighting, and as much as the pinkett enjoys the whole rivalry thing with the blonde, his poor heart can't take the idea of somehow getting the other actually furious with him 24/7.

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