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Hakan (Namli) is the young héro of the story

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Hakan (Namli) is the young héro of the story . Growing up in an orphanage , hé IS Taken in the custody of Selim Chamlan ( in truth Selim Yasaran ) who was a Friend of his biological father ( Vural Namli ) . Hakan IS a kind , humble , somewhat Shy but smiling and sensible  young man . He IS a studiant in médecine but hé help as a Fisher when in hollydays . His paisible life turn upside down when hé meet and fall in love with Enise Ilgaz .

 His paisible life turn upside down when hé meet and fall in love with Enise Ilgaz

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Enise Ilgaz is Kerim and Fatmagul's 18 Years daughter . She looks just like her father . She has a very stable life with her family and her cousin  Elif IS her best Friend . She's completly unaware of thé tragedy that her mother suffered but she will walk dangerously close to the truth when she meet Hakan , while visiting Ildir .

 She's completly unaware of thé tragedy that her mother suffered but she will walk dangerously close to the truth when she meet Hakan , while visiting Ildir

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Selim Yasaran ( Chamlan ) is the son of Resat and Perihan Yasaran . He is Enise's father's ex-childhood Friend . His family Lost all their fortune after Selim raped Fatmagul with his cousin Erdogan and Friend Vural . Emprisoned for 12 Years in jail , Selim expérience a true living hell there . Ashamed of his crime and way more Mature , Selim get out of jail 6 Years before hé should and reunite with his mother and father ( who is now a simple Fisher ) . Thanks to his Friend Mert Chamlan , Selim find a job of hight grade in Mert's compagny 's family . He is also the one who take Care of Hakan as his  légal tutor . He is very disturbed by the boy's ressemblance with his Friend . The démons of his past Come haunting him again when hé has to live side by side with Kerim and Fatmagul . As if wasn't enought , hé has to deal with his own love issues .

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