WTF continues

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Prod nods

10minutes She reaches home

Bri: Hey Vanessa bye Vanessa

Vanessa: Wait u want anything to eat?

Bri: No not really see Roc gave me something to eat

Vanessa: Ok goodnite

Bri: Nite

Bri goes upstaries and open her window

Prod: Yea so where were we?

Bri: Give me a girl he tried to have sex with

Prod: Well there’s Alexis, Zendaya, Ayanna, Rebeca

Bri: Hold up go bak

Prod: Ayanna

Bri: moves to seat by her bed that’s my bestfriend and she never told me now I feel like I’ve been used

Prod: seats nexts to her and hugs her That’s why I told u he is not good and he told u to stay away from me he just hates me

Brianna whips her tears Why?

Prod: Cause for Zendaya I told his aunt who almost told his Mom

Bri: Oh sorry   lies on the bed and cries

Prod lies right next to her Pretty girls should never cry pretty girls like u

Bri: Thanks but that still will not work they hear a car leaves the driveway Vanessa gone

She gets up and goes downstaries to the Kitchen

Prod: U going to be Ok ?

Bri: Yea my face is puffy put I’m not that kinda girl

Prod: Wow that is funny kisses her on the lips

Roc comes in while they Kiss

Roc: WTF Bri

Bri: Comes up to him WTf with u

Roc: What u mean

Bri: U using me

Roc: I will never do that to u

Bri: Yea like if I’m stupid to believe that Prod told me everything u trying to have sex with girls

Roc: goes to prod U lied to her bout me

Prod: No I told her the truth

Roc: No u didn’t pushes him

Prod pushes back and starts a fight

Bri tries to get Roc off Prod

Bri: Stop it

Roc: Stand bak  his elbow punches her in her eye

What a Relationship *Roc Royal and Brianna's Story*Where stories live. Discover now