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  "Where? Where is she?!?!?!?" A man screams as he pushes through the crowd of EMTs and police to make his way to the front door of his ex girlfriends apartment.

A cop stops him almost immediately holding him back while signaling for assistance.

  "Sir please! I can't let you in there. Immediate family only!" The officer shouts to him over the wailing sounds of sirens and people.

  "I am family! Where is she?!?!?" The man continues as he tries to see inside the apartment filled with investigators and medics coming in and out of its front door.

Another officer comes up from behind the man and puts his hands on his shoulders to try to pull him away from the scene. The man quickly turns around to face who's grabbing onto him. The officer lets go and takes a step back realizing who he grabbed.

  "David???" the officer asked stunned.

David didn't say anything but there were tears in his eyes.

  "Where is she???" He asked.

The officer at first didn't say anything. He just looked at David and watched as the tears streamed down his face.

  "I can't let you in.....but I think you should come to the station with me." The officer said sadly.

Pulling out his cuffs he placed them on David's waisted and escorted him through the crowd and to an awaiting squad car. For the first time, David wasn't afraid to go to the police station with cuff on. He knew he didn't do anything wrong but was worried about what he was he was about to find out once he got there. All he knew was that he wanted to see her. He wanted to make sure she was ok. He began to regret leaving her alone. He began to hate himself. His tears streamed as he thought to himself what he could have done differently. He should have just stayed home that night and spent time with her. He shouldn't have cancelled on her. The car pulled up to a huge gate that slowly opened. Driving down a long pathway the car reached the end of the drive and parked in a spot which was marked Sherif parking only. The officer took the key from the ignition and in the same motion got out of the car and closed his door. David was worried. Not about himself. But about her. His door opened and the officer let him out leading him into the building.

  "Please.....just tell me.....Is she ok?" David whispered through his tears to the officer.

The officer didn't say anything. Instead he opened the room to an interrogation room and led him inside closing the door behind them. The officer took off the cuffs and had David sit at the table and offered him a box of tissues. Sitting down across from the table, the officer let out a sigh and folded his hands on the top of the table. David didn't like the look on the officer's face.

  "Where is she?!?!?! What happened?!?!?!" David asked.

The officer lowered his head and let out a deep heart shattering breath.

  "David.....she's......Kaye is..... She was found in the shower this morning. Her manager called 911 when she didn't show up for work this morning. Kaye committed suicide late last night between the hours of 9-10pm. We believe that she used one of your box cutters to cut her wrists.

David's face was pale. His eyes were as wide as the gray evening sky.

  "No......." he said at first in a whisper and before long became a horrified scream.

He shot up from his chair and tried to flip the table in from of him but was no use. He dropped to his knees and sobbed. The officer got up and went to him with a small piece of paper in his left hand that he retrieved from his back pocket.

  "There were notes that were left in her bedroom at the scene. Each note had a name on it. This one was your."

David looked up and took the note from the officers hand as he still bawled his eyes out.

  "I'll give you a few minutes." He said and left the room silently.

David composed himself and read the note drying his face. It read

  "I'm sorry I couldn't be better for you. So tonight I fade away."

David balled up the paper and fell over on the hard concrete.....and sobbed. Kaye was gone forever.

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