The Story Of My Life

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- Ok this is just something I'm writing cause I'm bored enjoy -

Hello everyone my name is Claire, and I'm just your average Aussie girl except for where I live my friends and I have nicknamed Antarctica because its so cold. I started reading Harry Potter at the end of grade 6 (Age 11) because I couldn't be bothered waiting another couple of months for the last Harry Potter movie instalment to come out. So I borrowed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from my local library and started reading. I hadn't started reading them earlier because my mum had always told me they weren't as good as the movies. Boy was she wrong. I was almost instantly obsessed, and that is where my Harry Potter obsession began.

When I started year 7 (Age: 12)I was that quiet chick who hung out in the library. Then I met one of my now best friends. Her name is Elise. She had only read up to Harry Potter and the Priz of Azkaban. So I decided that I couldn't have that and it had to change. It did. I made her so obsessed that we would walk around recess and lunch looking like the lunatics we are, shouting Harry Potter quotes at each other.

- A Year Later aka Year 8-

Elise and I were now full on obsessed with Harry Potter. We saw all they movies again with each other. In class that day (Elise and I were in different classes) the class got asked if they went all the way through to year 12 (End if high school age 18) what they would do afterwords. This got me thinking: what would I do? So I devised a plan which at lunch I told Elise.

"What are you thinking so hard about Claire? You know that's not good for you" Elise joked

"Well in class today we were asked what we were going to do after we finished with school, and I thought: Seeing as though The Harry Potter theme park in Orlando has just open I've decided that when we finish year 12. We go to uni and do a course - I dunno what you would call the course just something that would help you own a bookshop - so after say 2 years of that course we pack our things and move to London and open our own bookshop. You Elise will write young adult fiction and I shall be your editor. Out the back we shall have our Harry Potter shrine and before we open our store each day we pray to it.

Elise just stares at me open mouthed.

"What? What's wrong with that idea?" I ask her

"NOTHING!!!!! It absolutely AMAZING!! We are soo doing that once we graduate!!"

AN- and that my wattpad lovelies is the story of my future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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