party 2

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But I when crying when I was cry I bumped in to my three friends Ben Sam and Ella the asked me why are u crying just looked at them and run away  and Ella followed me but I was telling her to not but she still followed me why are u crying asked Ella. But I was just telling her to go away because if I told her why caring she course a commotion over there so told her.not but knowing her big moth she went and told my other friends that was caring  and the came to see too but told them that I am ok and they believed over her and they looked at like she was liking she said to me I know that Lisa miss and miss did something to you and I am going to find out and she went I thought she going find out the real truth but I side to my self that she will never find so stoped crying and I started to laugh then I saw my other  friends as we're walking we saw Lisa Nisa and Misa they looked at me and my friends like we had a problem  with them and I wanted to slap them so hard  but i just   said that if I hit them it will be so bad and I will get into  bad things were  going to happen  so we passed a kiss list  that I want to see but misa pushed me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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