Prologue - Changing the Time

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Mist clung to the mossy stone buildings of Kirigakure.

"Mizukage-sama, are you sure?"

"Yes, the Nidaime Hokage belongs to us! He is our god! Konoha can have Shodaime Hokage but we are going to get the Nidaime," The Shodiame Mizukage declares.

"Very well, but um, why are we time traveling?"

"Because, Akari, we can't kidnap him at the level he is now so we must do it in the past when he isn't as strong!"

"Oh," Akari stated as she activated the scroll in the room full of ninja. The scroll started glowing, light bursting from it, sucking them in.

* * *

Mei grunted as someone landed on top of her. She shoved whoever it was off and shot to her feet, lava release already prepared to fire. Her attack stopped halfway.

"Wh, hu, how?" She asked. Eyeing the Shodaime Mizukage, Seigi, wearily. "You are supposed to be dead Lord Seigi!"

"Huh?! Why would I be dead? This is supposed to be the past!" Seigi shouted at Mei.


"We are trying to travel to the past so we can kidnap Tobirama-sama and make him our god because Fire country already has a god and Tobirama-sama is ours!" Seigi finishes ranting. "Anyways, who are you!"

"Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage," Mei stated.

"Oh-" A bright light erupted from the center of the room interrupting Seigi and dragging everyone in.

* * *


"Kisame, are you alright?" A voice asked, red eyes staring down at a pile of limbs.

"Urgh," Kisame grumbled. "Who are these people, Itachi?" Kisame asked.

"Kiri nin, judging from their headbands," Itachi replied.

"How did they find us?!"

"STOP SHOUTING!" Seigi hollered suddenly.

Everyone spun to face him.

"What." Kisame's voice was flat. "You're dead! You died years ago!"

"Humph! Well, I was trying to go to the past. Instead, it threw me into the future," Seigi quipped.

Itachi blinked. His sharingan slipping on checking for henges or genjutsu. He didn't see any surprisingly. "Let's say we believe you for now, why did you try to travel to the future?"

"Because Tobirama-Sama belongs to us! Konoha already has a powerful god shinobi! He is ours! He is even water natured! It's obvious!" Seigi screamed.

Kisame glanced at Itachi, then back at Seigi. "Can I help?" He asked.

Itachi glared at his partner. "We have a mission, Kisame. The Jinchuuriki,"

"Well too bad because I have a god to go kidnap," Kisame interrupted. He turned to Seigi "Let's go."

"We can't control when the uh, portal thing hap-oh." Akari started.

Mei grinned as a bright light enveloped them all, finally pulling them into the past.
* * *
They opened their eyes to the sight of the trees of fire country and the sound of a battle raging not far off. They stood up from the hard dirt and hurried over to the edge of the tree line and peeked out into the clearing. Their eyes roamed over the battling Senjus and Uchihas until they landed on a white-haired teen.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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