My Unbelievable Story

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       Have humans been under surveillance by beings that posses god-like technologies that are beyond human capability? Millions of people believe that these beings have been visiting and dwelling among us for hundreds or even thousands of years. The Bible and many other ancient historical books around the world such as China's I Ching also known as Yi Jing, India's Mahabharata and the most famous for its so called mythology, The Book of the Ancient Greek's tell us, that what mainstream science has been teaching us about science fiction and mythology was or is in fact, real! Are we all just extras in this ongoing motion picture of the universe? Many of us humans are made to believe we are chosen out of billions for some other worldly purpose. Why? I myself have experienced paranormal incidents all my life from extraterrestrial to paranormal and many extraordinary near death experiences. This is my unbelievable story...

                                                         First Encounter

       Christmas Eve 1979, San Antonio, Texas, my home. It was your typical family scene in our two story government housing project townhome. My Mom, sister, two older brothers and myself were eating a Christmas dinner watching the classic Rudolph and Frosty The Snowman Claymation cartoons waiting to open our presents right at midnight. I was getting sleepy so we opened them when the news came on at 10pm. Among some of our Christmas presents were a small battery powered toy robot, Choo-Choo Train, Speak 'N Spell, a talking doll and other various electronic toys. We played with our toys for a bit but I was use to going to bed early for school and I was getting sleepy. I ended up falling asleep on the bare tiled living room floor with a blanket n pillow while my family was around me. Everyone eventually went to bed and I was the kind of kid who could get comfortable and fall asleep just about anywhere so I was left on the floor alone next to the Christmas tree. What happened next I'll never forget!!!

A few hours had passed and it was Christmas Day sometime after midnight. I was suddenly awakened by the sound of the front door unlocking and slowly creaking open and there was no one there. My mother made it a habit for us to lock the front and back doors and windows every night. Especially living where we lived. So someone or something unlocked it. I didn't move from where I was laying and I could hear a faint rumbling and humming sound like a plane was passing by but it seemed like it was stationary and it started getting really windy. Suddenly, a bright blue-green light was shone through the screen door. I was scared stiff! I had never seen anything like it being only seven years old at the time. I began to hear a dog growl outside and it never barked. The beam was slowly coming towards me. This time I couldn't move. I could only move my eyes. I then heard the dog begin to throw up as if something was pestering it and making it nauseated. Whatever opened our door possibly opened our neighbor's door adjacent to ours at the same time. The blue-green beam of light may have entered their house as well because I could hear a baby begin to sound like its also being pestered with at the same time as the dog but it didn't cry. Some of the family members next door would sometimes fall asleep in their living room and their baby would sleep in a basinet.

I was laying a few feet from our Christmas tree when the beam of light was coming towards me. I heard a noise coming from the tree and when I turned my eyes towards it every single electronic toy turned on at the same time! The robot's lights came on and it began to slowly walk towards me. The toy train was laying on its side and the wheels were turning spinning the train in circles as it was making the Choo-Choo sound and its lights flickering. The speak n spell started saying words but I couldn't make out what it was saying over the other noises from the other toys and whatever was going on outside. My sister's doll was saying "mama" among other words. The other battery powered toys were making their sounds all at once as the beam of light was nearing me. Apparently no one in my family could hear what was going on. My siblings were sleeping upstairs but my Mom's room was right next to the living room and she never heard a sound. I was so scared my heart was pounding like I was running and I was breathing heavily. I could hear the dog outside and the baby next door clear as day still being pestered with wondering what was happening to them and why the mother hadn't woken up to comfort her child. I felt bad because I couldn't get up to try to help them. I closed my eyes as the beam moved right in front of me and I could see the light through my eyelids. I suddenly felt relaxed and at peace then something was making me go to sleep and I could hear all the toys turning off as I was blacking out.

When I opened my eyes seconds later, hours had passed and it was Christmas morning as if time had sped up just for me. I was the youngest and first to fall asleep and the first to wake up. Usually kids wake up Christmas morning and immediately dart to play with their toys. That thought never crossed my mind. I was in shock from what had just happened to me, the dog, and that baby next-door the night before. The front door was still open and the iron screen door was still closed and locked. The toys were in the same position as they were when I blacked out except for the toy robot which had walked almost a foot towards me when the beam of light came into our home. That alone verified the events that took place just hours before. I immediately picked up the toy robot and noticed it was on the off position. I was stunned so I began to check all the other electronic toys and found that they were all in the off position!

"What the heck just happened", was the only thought in my head for days and weeks to come. I didn't tell anyone in my family because well who would believe a seven year old. I felt like I was different from them from that day on and the rest of my stories may prove just that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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