Here we go...

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Izuku's pov
I woke up to my alarm blaring, I groan and look at the time as it reads 5:30,,, I quickly go to Snapchat just to check everyones story just to see that Katsuki and Akio were partying THE NIGHT BEFORE THE FIRST DAY. 'Ugh' i groan as I get up, I guess I should probably make some food. I go downstairs to see Katsuki on the couch, i decide not to wake him up for now and walk over to the fridge to get some eggs and bacon out. I go ahead and get two glasses of water and some ibprofin to go wake up the two idiots. God why out of everyone did Akio have to be best friends with KATSUKI. I walk over to Katsuki and shake him up "what up shithead" "ugh 5 more minutes" Katsuki tiredly groans "no you actually need to get up dumbass take this" i say as i hand him the glass of water and ibprofin as he nostalgically wakes up. "Fine nerd" he says as he takes the medicine. I sigh and head upstairs to my brothers room proceeding to go through the same process of waking him up. I go down stairs and make 2 plates of food for them, realizing we ran out of eggs i decided I would simply eat later, and that i could go without for now. I go upstairs to change.

(His outfit)Whilst slipping on my shoes I hear Akio yell at me to head outside and that Katsuki is driving

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(His outfit)
Whilst slipping on my shoes I hear Akio yell at me to head outside and that Katsuki is driving. I groan for about the 100th time that morning and grab my backpack and head down. "Someones looking extra flamboyant today" Katsuki remarks, i simply roll my eyes "at least i dont hook up with about 5 girls a week" i reply "at least 5 girls want me everyday" he finally replies until Akio cuts in "cut it out guys its not hard to ignore eachother" "how could i ignore something as cute as that though" Katsuki replies cocky, I just decide to put in my earbuds while Akio and Katsuki start arguing. We get to school and we all immediately head to the football field where i opt to just sit on the bleachers half watching, half making sure all of my homework from summer is done. I start noticing a couple girls coming in, including some freshmen, i assume they are trying to find some cute guy to build their reputation, I start snickering as one of them points out Katsuki and Akio as potential boyfriend material. She looks at  me with a stank eye and says "what you think I can't pull them" i look at her back and say "that one is my brother and the captain is his annoying was best friend, pop off if y'all wanna go for them but you wont get anywhere" i reply nonchalant. She looks me up and down just to say "seeing the style you chose, im assuming you just wanna get in the captains pants and want others to stay away" oh what a bad choice of words those were, my vision goes slightly blurry as i start panicking, I decide to pick myself up and head to the bathroom, I see Akio look at me obviously knowing something is up, I just look at him while tears start forming and bolt for the bathroom knowing whats about to happen. I reach the bathroom and immediately enter a stall just to start puking the acid in my stomach out from my lack of breakfast. I feel the burning down my throat and nearly pass out before Akio finally enters giving me water, in the process I realize that my shirt was now covered in puke. I start crying again, as if my first day couldnt get worse. Akio looks at me to ask what happened and I just try to explain it just to break down again until finally I tell him what the girl said. He hugged me and shushed me knowing what i had been through and why that could have set me off. Our dad was very homophobic and TW::::::::::::: one day after i got home before my brother he looked at me dead in the eyes and said "if you like dick so much why dont you get in my pants" as much as i screamed for him to stop, as much as I needed him to stop he wouldnt, he went through with it... TW OVER::: only Akio and Katsuki know about it simply because they came home together just to find my staring at my wall unresponsive for about 1 day until I finally broke down and told them what happened. After that he left and we haven't seen him since. My severe anxiety definitely caused the puking "hold up one second im sure one of the guys has a hoodie or something you can borrow" as he ran to the locker room
Akio POV
I ran out of the bathroom to go to the locker room only for Katsuki to storm me asking what had happened, i told him "fuck man" he says as he slams him head against his locker. As much as they pretend to hate eachother they are always there, "what happened" said kirishima, who is also a junior, "something with my little brother" i replied as he started to look concerned. "The freshmen, isnt this his first day" he said confused "yeah he had an anxiety attack and ending up puking because of it, speaking of which does anyone have a hoodie he can borrow" Katsuki groans and throws him a black one with a skull embedded with the number 1 in it. "He can take this for now" i smile at him thankfully and run back to the bathroom.
Izukus POV
I feel my anxiety start to slow down as i hear the door open as Akio comes in and hands me a hoodie, I put it on without question as the first bell rings. I decide that i was gonna ignore what happened this morning and make this day good... It has to be. For me, it will be. I smile and head to my first period, Algebra two, i sigh "here we go" i mumble to myself.

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