Chapter One

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It was a beautiful, late October day in Valtoria.  The hardwoods were wearing their most glorious shades of orange, crimson and gold. Recent heavy rains had swollen mountain streams feeding into Lake Valtoria, causing it to test the limits of its shoreline. From a distance the cool water, majestic mountains, fiery trees and blue sky made the perfect postcard.

Bartholomey Jackson Beaumont pressed his face and hands to the window glass as the family limo traveled the winding road that bordered the lake. He was trying to catch a glimpse of his Uncle Drake's castle home, but so far he'd only seen trees, water and mountains.

"How much farther is it, Uncle Max?"

Maxwell Beaumont watched his four year old nephew with amusement. He had cast his tablet aside as soon as the view outside his window had gone from shadowy boring trees to bright, wide open mountain valley. This was Maxwell's favorite part of the journey too, as he anticipated getting out of the car after traveling for hours. Bartie was up on his knees, elbows on the edge of the door, absorbing all the grandeur of Lake Valtoria as it passed by his window. 

Maxwell could imagine the child's heart brimming with excitement over stepping into such a wild and unknown place. His days were usually filled with etiquette lessons from his father and being read story books at bedtime by his mother. If it weren't for his Uncle Max taking him away to actually play every now and then, he'd never have any fun at all.

"We're almost there Little Buddy, only a few more kilometers."

Bartie sat back down in his seat wrinkling up his little face in a frown.

"I dunno what a kila- ..kilo- momatur is Uncle Max. I just wanna get there already," Bartie whined.

"Soon, Bartie. I promise," Maxwell chuckled.

Kate Walker entered the manor kitchen, followed closely by her two year old daughter Brooklyn. The toddler hugged her mother's leg as she stopped at the island to talk to the staff about Drake's lunch. Kate strokes her daughter's hair lovingly, giving her a gentle smile and a wink. Brooklyn scrunches up her face as she tries to wink back, closing both eyes with a giggle.

Kate opens the lid of the picnic hamper to check the contents, "These sandwiches and snacks look delicious. I almost wish I was going on the fishing trip with the guys."

Francis, the cook's helper, beams with pride over the compliment. "Don't worry, Your Grace.  We have a hearty lunch prepared for you and the little ones too."

Brooklyn tugs at the hem of Kate's shirt and her mom stoops to pick her up, perching her on the corner of the island.  As the toddler reaches for the picnic basket, Kate corrals her in her arms to keep her from toppling it onto the floor. "Oh, thank goodness. Because this little bean is growing like a weed."

Francis hands Brooklyn a dish of cut-up fruit, watching her eyes light up as she sticks her chubby fingers into the bowl and picks up a slice of banana.

Out in the main hall the skittering paws and barking of Charlie the corgi, followed by Drake's amused scolding, can be heard. Kate steals a strawberry out of Brooklyn's fruit bowl and pops it into her mouth, before carrying her daughter out into the hall. "Guess what, Beanie pie? I think our guests are here."

When the security staff open the doors to the limo, Bartie bounds out eagerly and looks up at the tall ancient structure of Valtorian Manor with awe. With its tall towers and castle-like stone facade it was so much different than the Mediterranean style estate at Ramsford that he was used to. Valtoria reminded him of the fantasy stories that his Momma read to him with knights, dragons, wizards and monsters. It even had a stone bridge over a rocky stream that reminded him of a moat and drawbridge. Bartie felt a slight shiver of fear mix with his excitement as a cool breeze from over the lake ruffled his hair. As the staff got their luggage out of the limousine's trunk, Maxwell walked up and placed his hands on Bartie's shoulders, making him jump.

"Isn't Valtoria awesome!? Can you believe your Aunt, Uncle and little princess cousin live here? This weekend is going to be so much fun."

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