Ch. 1 Feelings.

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-- ok so like.. I'm really bad at writing but it's worth a shot just to get better. ;-;

Also the age for this well for you is like 27 or sum so ✌🏻


As you walk out of your room heading to get breakfast you bump into someone barely taller than you.

"S-sorry." You spoke out gently and the person hit the back of your head gently.

"Tch, what where you're going brat."
The man walked away while you rubbed the back of your head.

You look back realizing it was Captain Levi the one that inspired you to join the scouts, and because you had a crush on him.

You keep walking until you open the doors being greeted by one of you closes friends Hanji. "Hey Hanji." You spoke out softly.

"Hey y/n! Come sit with us!." Her smile was big always making you feel as happy as she was.

You walk over to where Hanji wanted you to sit which was with Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, and Sasha.
"Hey y/n are you gonna get breakfast?"
Eren asked while he was looking at you

You shook your head no in reply causing him to frown. "I'm not hungry I'll eat later though."

"If you say so." Eren said as he took a bite out of his plate.
You were sitting by Mikasa so you rested your head on her shoulder. You always looked at her as a mom and you the daughter although she was younger and you were older but you didn't mind.

The doors sprung open as you see the Captain walk in, you gazed at him since you had a crush in him but you knew you never had a chance since Petra always talked to him while you were to nervous to say "hi" to him.

"Someone staring at the Corporal again?" Hanji gasped as your face turned red.
Everyone either spit out their food or drink as gasped along with Hanji.

"Wait? You like the Captain?" Mikasa stared at you. "Why he's so mean and cold-hearted."

"No! It's not like that i swear!"
Your face turn different varieties of red causing you to also cover your face with your hands.

"Ohh y/n~ it's definitely like that." Eren teased.

You hit Eren on the back causing him to spit out his drink on Jean.

"Eren! I just washed these too!" Jean shouted causing everyone in the room to look at him. You got up and left because you were embarrased by the fact they were getting close to find out your liking for the Captain.

Sasha followed after you having her food in her hand like usual. "Why'd you leave?"
She asked having crumbs fall out of her mouth.

"Because I'm so embarrased. Sasha keep me a secret and I'll grant you with my food for lunch everyday."
You turned to her with a serious face.

She nodded in agreement.

"I really do like the Captain but i know he won't like me since Petra is always around him and it seems like he likes her back, although you can't really tell because of his face expressions.."
You sighed and hit your face with your hands.

Sasha gasped dropping her food and put her hands on your shoulders, she also squealed at the time.
"Oh my gosh! I knew it! But i swear i won't tell just owe me food!"
She saluted to you causing you to giggle.

"I'm gonna go finish my food at the table see you later y/n!"
She waved goodbye and you sighed. You sat on the floor then hearing footsteps appear infront of you.

"Tch, pathetic.."

You recognize the voice and looked up seeing the Corporal you started to turn red but you stood up.

"Sorry sir if i did something!"
You did a classic salute to him as he grabbed your hand putting it down.

"I don't like Petra, she's annoying, brat."
He scoffed and walked to his office which was also his room.

You froze in shock.

"Did he just hear my conversation with Sasha.."

Your face turned red completely you saw him walk away in the distance as you get get scared by someone behind you. It was Eren.

"Staring at him again? Or are you stalking him?"
Eren laughed.

"Eren! You scared me you piece of shit!"
You hit him.

"Sorry! I'm sorry okay! But Sasha told us what happened."
He covered his mouth trying not to laugh but he couldn't hold it in."

"Ugh! Things can never go right in life i swear!"
You put you hands on your head.

"Well anyways Levi also said we didn't have to clean today, he's being generous. I just thought I'd let you know."
He patted your head and walked off.

"I really wish this day didn't exist."

You sighed and went to your room.
You heard a knock but you didn't want to get up from your bed.

"Come in"
You said politely and to your surprise it was the Captain again.

"Tch, resting isn't necessary go clean the horse shit."
He furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed.

"But Eren said-"
You tried to speak but got cut off.
"Well i changed my mind get going."

"Yes Captain."
You stood up grabbed a book near you and walked past him.

He grabbed you arm pulling you close to him.
"What happened to not saluting no more brat?"

Your face turned red and you saluted walking out to where the horses were.

He scoffed in the distance and you see someone walking next to you.

"Well that was quite a scene huh shorty?"
Hanji said resting her arm on your head.

"Yeah it was quite a scene."
You blushed again.

"Feelings for the Captain huh? How cute!" She jumped up and down of how excited she was.

"Like he would like me back.. to him I'm just another brat."
You sighed and picked up the cleaning supplies outside of the horse pen.

"Don't say that y/n! You never know if he likes you back or not according to what I've heard."
She giggled.

"What did you hear!?"
Your face turned to hers wanting to know.

"Well he does talk a lot about you according to what Petra said, she seemed jealous."
She laughed and you gasped making your face turn red.

"You're lying! Don't mess with me like that!"
You scoffed.

"I'm not ask Petra."
She put her hands on her head and walked away.
"I have to visit by beloved titans see you later y/n!"
She waved and laughed.

You sighed.
"Does the Corporal actually have feelings for me." You thought to yourself but shook your head.
"Of course not."

You start cleaning where the horses were aswell as putting gloves on and picking up the shit.
You looked around and trying to find a place to hide it so you hide into a bush next to a tree.

After you finished you close the pen and you go more out in the field next to a lot of flowers you lay down and read the book you have brought with you.

Captain. "what ever happens i love you." Levi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now