~Chapter 1~

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??? POV

How long has it been since then?
1 year? 2 years?
I've forgotten how much time has passed since you left. There was no way I could keep track of something like that.
I can still remember your smile. The genuine one you only showed to the people you trusted.
I was one of those people.

I wish I could see it again, at least once more, but not the one that comes when I sleep. If I had figured out just how much pain you were in, would you still be here? Could I still see your smile? There's nothing I wouldn't give, to go back in time and fix my mistakes, but I know that wishing won't change anything.

Today's the day I love and hate the most.
Your birthday.


The sound of silence fills my ears. Through the crowds of people, I can't hear anything. Not the yells of pain, nor the cries of hope.
My feet walk themselves aimlessly towards our destination. My hands, tucked in my pockets unconsciously.
I'm getting more and more tired with every step, until there I finally see, a symbol of my misery.

Your name is engraved in stone. Right under it is written, the year you were born and the year you left. As usual, your grave is filled with flowers. The flowers that I used to love...


My eyes wander the sky.
One thought floods my mind.

Why didn't I remember?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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