[01]~The Encounter

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Queen Elizabeth

"Was the whore, to your satisfaction?" Queen Elizabeth sneered at her husband, he grinned back at her and the queen smirked as a wave of satisfaction washes over her.

"I am the glad, that the woman I chose is at your taste." She said courtly, and the king thanked her for the tribute.

"Well, she is indeed flexible.." The king started to reminisce his encounter with the whore, Queen Elizabeth shot him a disgusted look and she shook her head playfully.

She was pleased with how things went, even if they married for royalty they didn't marry each other out of love. And they agreed, in secret, that they both can have other love interests as long as the other supports the kingdom. Or in the kings case, whores providing for his 'needs'.

But, Elizabeth has to sleep with the king every year, only once in a year has she allowed herself to. Even once, it was a guarantee that a babe was coming its way to the kingdom. But, there are times when she doesn't bed the king. She doesn't have any interest in men, she prefers the gentle and promising touch of a woman; and the king knew.

"Were you satisfied, with mine?" The king inquired, and the queen sighed in disappointment at how poor the performance the girl had in her bed chambers.

"Well, I tried my lady.."

She walked across the hall, and hummed a tune for minute and went back to the king.

"Indeed, you did. Send the scum away, and replace it with a noblewoman." The queen replied, and hope was evident in the way her eyes gleamed.

"Why? Why should it be a noblewoman, if not a common whore?"

The queen rolled her eyes, and her face contorted into annoyance as she sat down on a chair next to the king. "I think a noblewoman has more experience in such matters, don't tell her the purpose of her position. I shall make her my lady-in-waiting."

The king nods at the queen in understanding, and the queens face relaxed for a second and she turned her back and went out the library. "I shall go now, find me the girl." She bid the king goodbye.

"I will, but be sure to attend to the needs of the Ridgeford Orphan House." The king instructed his queen, and she simply nods in reply and finally went out to her bed chambers.

Rita The Lady-In-Waiting

Once the queen entered her chambers, I quickly did a curt bow and she acknowledged me by smiling a little. I resume to my duties, and almost forgot that my performance in the bedroom one moon ago was by far not satisfactory. She came too long, and I was tired from exhaustion.  And I knew, that I would soon be leaving the castle and attend my duties as a lady in the house of Archibald. The same family, I have happily been whisked away to serve the queen.

"Rita, please hand over this parcel to the Ridgeford Orphan House. And tell them, that the queen cannot visit because he feels a little ill but will try her best to go again." 

I replied with a nod, and she handed me the parcel. I used to think that the queen would be vicious, but she was not, she was very kind and understanding. And I still remembered how skilled and passionate she was, and how every touch of hers makes me shiver. "I will go now, your majesty." 

I debated as I walked on the castle halls on which road I should take, and after such debate in my head which may deem me out of my mind, I decided to take the road in Linconshire and from there on ride a  carriage. I arrived at the doorstep, and a woman that seemed to be the epitome of beauty made me halt in my walk. Her raven black hair shone on the sun, and her fair skin indicated a beauty far greater than the queen herself, I dare say.

Her eyes had a spark in them, but deep down her eyes looked almost depressed. But her entire deamenor of nobiloty covered it, with a warm smile. She approached me, and I kneeled before her. "Your majesty."    "Rise"

I obeyed, while keeping my head down, she scrutinized with with her grey eyes while I composed myself at the presence of royalty with a mere servant.

"What brought you to my kingdom?" She asks.

"I..I wass se-nn-t by t-h-ee queen of Albion.." I stammered, she chuckled and my cheeks heated up surely making a mark of scarlet. What a fool I have been.

"Oh, very well, since I am on my way there...." She started, and my heart started to beat as she surveyed the town.

"So I may as well go with you...To accompany me.
I nodded, reluctantly, and excused myself. I delivered the parcel and went back to where I met the queen of Loktivia. We exchanged pleasantries, while keeping my head down and our carriage started to move.

Right in front of me, the queen sipped tea. "Please, help yourself."

I shook my head, afraid that a broken cup would break. I looked up, as I noticed a warm cup was being shoved into my hands. I took the cup, and sipped.

"So, what brings you to Albion?" I asked the queen, too late to hold my tongue.

"My step-daughter is to be the queens lady.. And there is business for me to attend to.." She explained, and I nodded in understanding.

I looked at her closely, every once in a while looking out. Her pale pink tinted face, and full lips made her look like a perfect specimen. Like a goddess, even.

We arrived.


New story, please vote and comment . Pls give me criticism, one that points out the flaws in the story. Sorry for grammar mistakes, English is literally my 5th language.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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