Part 1 Introduction

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Characters -----

Purav- The main lead. He is a famous YouTuber who works with Team Harsh Benewal. He is 21 years old. (I know is not 21, he is younger than that but here is 21). He love and respects his team. He is a hard working guy. He always try to give his best in the videos. He also runs his father's business.What will happen when he will change from a nerd to jerk?
P/M- Purav's mother
P/F-  Purav's father

S/N- Her original name is Shreya Monhotra (Imagine karlo yaar). A very beautiful and crazy girl. She is a very kind hearted person. She is looking for a job. She loves to enjoy every bit of her life.
S/M- Y/N's mother
S/F- Shreya's father
S/s- Shreya's best friend (like a sister)

    So let's start the story. We will include more characters later.🥰🥰

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