Part 1

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"Chloe! CHLOE" my mother shouted through the door. "Get up. Jeremy and his friend are taking you to school" I sat up. "Which friend?" I asked as I was curious to who I'd have to awkwardly sit in a car with. "Tall, dark hair, gorgeous body. I think his name is....K" I cut her off. "KAI PARKER" ffs. "Yes hunny that's him. Get dressed he'll be here in 30 minutes" she walked away. Now I wasn't complaining about it being Kai cos then I could enjoy the view. But he's just a wind up but I have banter with him although he's caught me staring at him a few times which was obviously very awkward. Well for me not for him. Anyways I got out of bed after day dreaming about his perfectness and got out some blue ripped jeans and my black hoodie. I went over to my mirror and filled in my eyebrows and out in some mascara before running the brush through my hair and brushing my teeth. I sat in my bed just scrolling through Instagram before deciding to go downstairs to wait for my brother and his masterpiece of a friend.
*knock knock*
My mum opened the door to let in the gorgeous Kia Parker and she gestured him into the kitchen where I was sat. She disappeared up the stairs leaving me and him alone. "Little Gilbert" he said waking towards me. "Oh shush" I replied back trying to get my words out. I could feel myself burning up already. "Or what little" He smirked. "KAIIII" I whimpered. "Sorry sorry I'll stop" he put his bottom lip out. Damn he's fineeeeee. I was admiring every part of him when he interrupted. "Like what you see. Next time be more careful when staring because there's a bit of drool" he sat there smirking. "Oh you wish" I said in a smug voice. "Maybe I do" at this point butterflies wee going mad and I just wanted to jump on him but I knew that I couldn't. "Kai when did you get here" Jeremy must have sneaked downstairs to be that quiet. "Only just" he said turning his head away from me. My brother was inspecting the scene of his best friend and his little sister alone. "I was just about to come find you" Kai broke the silence. "Mhm" my brother nodded. "Chloe you ready" he said turning to face me looking me dead in the eye. I could see he looked annoyed but nothing happened so he'll have to brush it off. "Ye" I snapped. "Bye mum" he shouted pacing out of the door. Me and Kai turned to each other and laughed as we followed behind him. We got in Jeremys crappy car and started driving. It was fairly silent and I was just in my phone when Kai said "so little Gilbert how's the love life going. Bet you get loads of pussy" I just laughed and said "aww thanks hope you like all the dick my brothers giving you!" I replied sarcasticly and started laughing. "So your straight then" I nodded. "Most people nowadays can't make up their minds"(btw I'm the writer of the story and I support LGBTQ+ it's just how Kai acts so I'm betraying that into my story) I just laughed at his question. I turned my head a bit to look at Jeremy. His hands were grappling the wheel tightly and his neck was tightened. He looked pissed. I pulled my phone back out and texted Kai
Me: My brother looks like he's about to punch someone.
Kai😍: I'm in his eye line so I better move.
Me:He will take his anger out and fuck you on the seats.
Kai😍: I'd much rather me do it to you;)

I read the message and just coughed in surprise turning red. Kai looked around his shoulder at me and said "you alright" he squeezed my thigh then moved his hand so my brother didn't see. "Yeah I just watched a funny video. I'm fine" I said slowly making up my story as I go along. We arrived in the school car park. I got out the car but was pulled into somebody. It was Jeremy. Ugh. "Chlo what's going on" he said. By now I realised Kai had already gone. Fuck. "Huh? What do you mean?" I said trying to act confused but I knew exactly what he meant. "I'm not stupid Chloe. You and Kai have been acting all loved up and it's weird. I don't like it. Kai isn't someone I want you to be with and I" "You what. You all about you isn't it Jeremy" I was fuming at this point. "You can't control me. Even if I was with your best mate. WHICH I AM NOT. Why would you be able to stop us!" Shit I felt bad. "Chloe. Kai's different. He's a player and I'm not saying anything is going on between you two. It's just..." he said. "Just what Jer you can tell me" we had both calmed down now. "He acts different around you. And I don't want him to have you because he gets everything and your the only thing I have that he doesn't. Besides he doesn't get emotionally connected around girls but with you it's different" he likes genuinely sad. "Even if we do fall for each other. I can assure you that you will never loose me as your baby sister. I promise" me and him hugged for a minute or so before we headed to class. We met Kai on our way. They dropped me off outside my English door which was full of my class before Kai asked Jer if he could talk to me. Jeremy was hesitant before nodding and walking off. "Hey so what's up" I said curious to what the gorgeous man had to say. "First of all I just wanted to tell you to text me for the rest of the day. Secondly earlier I meant what I said" he replied acting smug. "What did you say Kai Parker?" I asked trying to not scream with joy. "About what I want to do with you" he smirked. I went red. "Nah I'm joking well not really because I do want to do that but the truth is Chloe. I've never actually had feelings for a girl before but since I met your neither and I saw you for the first time I haven't been a player because you gave me butterflies the first time I saw you and it's just amazing. But back to the fucking thing I do wavy to but I know your a virgin so obviously in not gonna be that rough if it ever happens but if..." I just kissed him. Passionately. The sparks flew up my body and I was calm. God he's so dumb. Bless him. FUCK I just realised what I did. I pulled away. Staring him dead in the eye. He smiled. Not a smirk but a genuine smile. "I'm sorry" I said laughing. "Sorry for what cos I quite enjoyed it" he said meaning it. "Me too. But I think my class enjoyed it too" I said pointing to the tall window that stood right where we just kissed. "Shit the window" he said nodding towards it. "So I'm going to get merked when I get in. So I'm gonna just ye..." I said awkwardly. "Alright Chloe. I'll probably see you tonight" he smiled. He opened the door for me while turing red and whispered in my ear "remember to text me" I could feel myself heating up and I just nodded making sure I didn't make eye contact with the whole class that was staring at me and him. He closed the door and walked away as I made my way to my seat. "Thank you for the show Chloe" my bitchy teacher said. "No problem miss I was just enjoying the company of my brothers closest friend who he trusts so much. But it's no problem at all I hope you enjoyed it cos I did" I said in the bitchiest voice I could put on.

My brothers best friend~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now