Chapter One: Homebound

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Warning, the following story contains topics that may not be suitable for a younger audience. Please avoid reading if:



-LGBT+ topics

-Scenes of Torture

-Sexual Assault

-Sexual themes

Offends you. Takes place after Season 12 and Norman Price and the Mystery in the Sky.

- Den Moother

A blonde haired man stirred from his slumber. He yawned softly. He slid his finger over the screen of his phone. He rubbed the lower part of his back. Today was the day that Winter started his first day at the Police Station. He jumped out of bed.

Dilys heard somebody moving into the dining room. "Morning." she greeted.

"Morning. Is breakfast nearly ready? I don't wanna be late." chided Winter.

Dilys chuckled. "My. My. Somebody is eager."

"I start my first day at work. I'm just super excited." explained Winter.

Dilys shook her head. "Well let's hope your first day is peaceful."

Dilys wrapped up cooking. She made him a mini stack of pancakes. He took a bite out of them. He hummed tasting the hazelnuts she put in them. Dilys sat with him. "Hard to believe that one of my boys is all grown up."

Winter smirked. "I don't think I've changed that much, Mom. I still have my bright and shining moments of stupid."

She ruffled his blonde hair gently. Winter downed his pancakes. He grabbed his cap off the wall. He pulled on his vest. He then grabbed his belt that had his baton and taser. "See you later, mom."

"Take care."

Winter walked out of the shop. He tucked his hands into his pockets. The sun beat down on him warmly. He made his way to the Police Station which sat on a hill overlooking the shop. He entered the station. Sergent Rose Ravani was waiting for him near the front entrance. She smiled. "Good Morning, Winter. Ready to get to work?"

"Yeah. I'm so excited. Is Malcolm around?" he asked.

"I have him out on patrol. He should be back soon." replied Rose.

Winter nodded. "Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Yes. Well there's two things I want done today. First, try to keep the public displays of affection under control." She mused. "Second, I have some paperwork in the office that needs to be sorted."

Winter dropped his gaze. Rose placed a hand on his shoulder. "Not exactly an exciting task but this is PontyPandy."

"True. I was just expecting a bit of action, ya know?"

Rose chuckled. "I remember my first day working as a cop and how slow it was. Don't worry. It does get better but let's start a little at a time, kay?"

Winter perked up again. "Yes ma'am."

Winter headed off for the office. He walked in to see a stack on Rose's desk. He sat down and got to work on sorting them. I hope that we get to work on a big case soon. He thought. Maybe I should of gone to Newtown or London instead.

Malcolm walked into the station. He unclipped his bike helmet. He let it rest by his side. Rose walked over to him. "How was your patrol?"

"Quiet, as usual. Nothing to really report." said Malcolm as he set his helmet down on the table. "Where's Winter? It's not like him to be late."

"He's here. He arrived just ahead of when he was supposed to. I have him sorting the mountain of paperwork I have in the office."

Malcolm raised an eyebrow at her. "If you needed something sorted, I could of done it for you. It's kind of my job."

Rose smirked. "I could of but I decided to let the new guy handle it. After all, I had to do it as my first task."

"Rose, sometimes your a cruel woman." chuckled Malcolm.

"Being cruel is a necessary evil sometimes, Constable. You know that better than I do."

"Yes. Yes I do. Shall I put the kettle on then?"

"That would be nice, Constable."

Winter got half-way through the stack before he heard a knock at the door. He looked up seeing Malcolm. A wide grin flashed across his face. "Hey."

"Hey." Malcolm set a cup down for Winter. Winter stood up. He gave his boyfriend a hug. "How was your patrol?" he asked.

Malcolm shrugged as he sat down. "Same old. Same old. Ever since we solved that case with Polonium, the whole town has been quiet."

"That's a shame. Honestly when I moved back to PontyPandy I'd thought we would have more excitement afterwards."

Malcolm took a sip of his tea. "You can't expect action all the time, Winter. That's just how life is."

Winter sighed. He drank his tea quietly. The two of them kind of sat in silence as Malcolm watched Winter finish up the stack of paperwork. Winter checked his phone. "all done by lunch." he smirked.

"Great. You want to head by the Wholefish Cafe?" suggested Malcolm.

"Yes please. I haven't had her fish and chips in ages."

Malcolm stood up. "let's get moving then."

The boys headed to Bronwyn's cafe. "Judy Byrd" by Juniper Avenue played softly on the radio. Bronwyn stood behind her counter. She smiled at the two of them. "Good morning, officers. How can I help you?"

Malcolm removed his cap. "Morning Bronwyn. We figured we would pop by for a quick bite."

"Oh! Alrighty. I'll get to work then."

Malcolm sat down at the table with Winter. Winter was listening to the song that was playing. He smiled. "This song is very good. I like it."

Malcolm nodded. "Yeah. It has a very beach-type feel to it."

"Considering that we're close to one, I'd say the song was well picked." mused Winter.

Malcolm grinned. "So we're going to have to tell my sister that you and I are a thing eventually."

Winter nodded. "I know. It's just..hard. I don't know how she'll react. I mean you barely got here and already your dating a member of the Price household."

Malcolm shrugged. "I don't know why you keep thinking your like your brother. You aren't. Far from it actually."

"It's because I share the same last name. That doesn't stop people from giving me weird looks. You also forget what I am.." muttered Winter sadly.

"Being a half-blood doesn't determine who you are as a person, Winter. Your also making a name for yourself. You should be proud of how far you've come."

Winter smiled. "Thanks Mal."

Bronwyn came over with two plates of cooked food for them. Winter perked up immediately. Bronwyn set the plates down in front of them. "Enjoy."

Malcolm nodded. "Thanks."

The two of them began to tuck in. Winter felt his phone buzz quietly in his pocket. He took it out to see a text from his mom. He paled. His brother, Norman, had finally been released from jail.

I really hope you guys have enjoyed this first chapter. This will be updated between updates with Comatose. Again, updates are every Thursday.

- Den Moother

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