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My whole frame began to shake as I patted the ground in front of me and slowly began to crawl, hoping that I would be able to find an exit and get out. People were still screaming and Czar had not said anything since the las gun shot. I was becoming more and more worried.

"Czar!" I called as I crawled.

Suddenly my hand landed in a pile of some random thick substance. I lifted my hand to smell the substance that was dripping down my arm. A metallic smell hit my nose and suddenly I felt sick.

"Oh god." I cried as I whipped the blood on my dress. "Czar!"

"I'm here!" He finally called back, his voice sounding closer. "Stay where you are do not move! Do not talk." He said.

I closed my mouth and waited as tears began to slide down my face. People were still screaming and running around me and I covered my ears and began to rock back and forth, I was terrified. After a few minutes had passed the lights cut back on and I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears.

In front of me stood Czar who was covered head to toe in blood and had a hand gun in his hand. He picked me up from off the floor.

"We got to get out of here." He said as he started walking me to the door while looking around.

"What's going on." I cried.

"We just have to get out of here." He repeated.

We made it outside the building and hurried the limo that was waiting for us. Once inside the car Czar began to remove his sit jacket in shirt.

I watched him, my breathing heavy and my body still shaking. I glanced down at my dress to see the blood that I had smeared on it before looking at my hands. My eyes filled with water and my whole body began to shake and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. 

"Zariah?" Czar called but I couldn't tear my eyes away from my hands. "Zariah!"

He took hold of my hands which made me look at him, I could barley make out his face due to my eyes being filled with tears. I began to shake my head as it became harder to breathe, it felt as if the walls were closing in around me.

He placed his hand on my cheek. "Breath Zariah you're heavy a panic attack, It's okay breathe I'm right here."

He pulled me to his chest and after a few minutes and I felt my breathing going back to normal. But the tears were still falling.

"I didn't know you had anxiety.." He said.

"How do you know that I do?" I asked, not daring to look at him.

"I was watching you when I left the table, you were horrified, and when I saw you heading to the bathroom I was going to stop you but the lights cut out. Also, you just had a panic attack." He explained.

I sat silent not knowing what to say. It was true I had sever anxiety it has always been a problem for me since I was a kid. I took therapy and thought it was helping until now, this has been my first real anxiety attack in a while.

I went to pulled away from Czar and whipped away my tears as he watched.

"What happened?" I asked.

He sat back and rubbed his forehead. "I was ambushed, I didn't even have much tome to react before someone was attacking me. Thank god you had went to the bathroom when you did if they would have saw you-"

"They would have killed me." I finished as I looked down at my hands. 

"Zariah, I wouldn't have brought you if I knew that this would have happened."

I nodded my head. "It's not your fault."

I glanced out the window feeling hollow. What has my life become?


I sat on the shower floor, allowing the warm water to hit my skin as I stared at nothing. I was balled up, my chin laying on my knees as I rocked back and forth slowly. Ever since we arrived back to the house I've been avoiding Czar. I immediately went to my room and got in the shower.

He had knocked on my room door but I ignored him. After seeing him covered in someone's else blood it was hard to look at him without my stomach turning. 

I wish I could just go back, to before all of this. Back to when I was in college living my life without a care in the world. If I had never returned home I wouldn't be in this mess, I would still be happy and free to do whatever I wanted without having to worry about someone targeting me.

I wanted to forgive my dad for this and forget what he had done, but how can I? He made one of the biggest decisions of my life for me and signed me away like I was some property. He didn't even fight for me, no one did.

I began to ball like a baby, this was not fair. I was supposed to meet someone, fall in love, get married, have kids, and grow old like them but knowing that all of that had been ripped away from me....made me mad.

I stood up and turned off the shower before getting out and wrapping myself in a towel. I walked to my room and set at the edge of my bed. I was too tired from the events of the day that I didn't feel like getting dressed. There was another knock on the door, I sighed before getting up to open it.

Czar was standing there in nothing but sweats.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he searched my face.

I nodded before I began to close the door but he placed his foot in between the door frame and looked at me.


"I want to be alone." I said before kicking his feet and shutting the door quickly and locking it.

I could hear him mumble things in Russian before he walked down the hall. I slid down the door and began the cry. 


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