~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1~

16 1 1

*phone alarm ringing*

Y/n groaned as she was tapping around on her phone to turn it off, eventually she did

Y/n sat up and rubbed your eyes and looked around her room

She then got up and went into her bathroom and took a hot shower to wake her up, she got out and brushed her teeth then proceeded to dry her hair and made it wavy

Y/n looked around her room for her uniform and got changed, Y/n felt excited yet nervous for her first day

She then grabbed her bag and went downstairs and packed it

She then went to the kitchen where she seen her two older brothers and her mother sitting and eating breakfast, so she decided to join them

After she finished she gave her mom a hug

"Bye mom! Bye idiots!" She laughed as she looked at her brothers who scoffed at her

"Bye sweetie!" Y/n's mother said sweetly and she hugged Y/n back

Y/n grabbed her bag and left for school

She took a quiet stroll through the park and past the convince store

Y/n came up to the gates and looked at her new school, and she was astonished!

"I can't believe I'm here, I can't wait to make some new friends and meet new people"

She then proceeded to walk in and looked around

*bell ringing*

She then tried to find her classroom, but couldn't

As the hallway's were emptying, she came across a tall blonde with headphones on

Y/n tapped his shoulder and he turned around, removed one of his headphones from his ear and looked down to her

"Hi! Do you know where class 1-1 is?" She said with an adorable smile on her face

"Yeah that's my class" he said with a montone voice

"Okay, can I walk with you?" She asked

He groaned quietly, "I don't care"

He carried on walking, and Y/n walked beside him, trying to keep up with him

Y/n looked up at him as they were walking

"My name is Y/n! Yours?"

"I'm not telling you" he said still looking forward

"Fine be like that" she faced forward and  they both went into their class

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