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December 17th 2010 at the age of nine, I was finally adopted into a loving home. Up until that point I had been in foster care since I was four. I had been moved from my biological family for neglect and several other reasons. I was in 7 different homes. Some of them good and some absolutely terrible, but each were a necessary part of my journey.
However, this particular picture is my forever family. We were at Disney World on a family vacation. A vacation I never thought when in foster care that I would get. We were tired and grumpy, but we were together as a family and that's what made the moment spectacular.
As a family we've been through so many ups and downs. Each of our adventures and misadventures made us stronger as a family.
When I was 15 I had thyroid cancer. I still remember the day my parents told me. My mom and dad were both sobbing. They were both absolutely heart broken. Me, I was okay because I knew that I had them. I had the support I needed to get through such and awful time. I knew my family would take care of me and pray for me through the entire process. I came out of the cancer situation stronger and better than I had been upon diagnosis.
Shortly before my diagnosis my grandma passed away suddenly. We weren't prepared nor ready for her to go. We were heart broken that we didn't even get to say goodbye. Just a few months after that we lost my great aunt and my uncle. My great aunt simply went because of old age. My uncle died of cancer. Three years after that we lost my grandpa. We all believe he died of a broken heart. I still miss him so very much.
In just this past year I got caught up in a dating relationship with a man that was very unhealthy. He had a lot of mental issues he was dealing with but was also very mentally, emotionally, and verbally abusive. We figured out later on, after I broke up with him that he was an internet predator. His aim was to trap me in a relationship and sell me in a trafficking ring later on. My parents hired a PI and that's where we got that information from. I refused to let my parents save me from him. I sincerely regret that.
Sp the picture that I chose reminds me of everything my family has gone through, but also reminds me of the strength we all have. How we've smiled through the storms before and we can keep doing it. We are all so strong. My parents just had a baby and are struggling, but are so very happy. My brother is about to go into the Navy. My sister is figuring out her life and doing a good job of it. Me, I'm about 6 weeks along and I'm so excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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