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Note: Before you read this story, this was a wing job, I think it's very cringe and super rushed. I wrote this for my future sister for Christmas (All names in story are fake, but based loosely on people I know). But I'm posting it here, because who knows, someone may enjoy it. As I said in my profile description, I am my worse critic. I won't be changing this any time soon, so It's staying the way it is. I doubt there will be a part two, but if people want one I may do so. But I seriously doubt anyone will read this. It was just for fun, and I admit I do find this story somewhat funny. I hope you do too. Thanks for choosing to read!


It was Monday afternoon. An excitable Christa had been looking forward to this moment all day. Today Tatum and Niko would be coming over!

"Hello! Hello! Hello!" The familiar call of Tatum's voice hit the preteen's ears.

Christa squealed in delight and practically ran to greet the goddess like Tatum. Bowing before her in adoration and practically worshiping her... Just kidding. She was just really pleased to see her future older sister.

Some time later Niko arrived and conversations were had. Tatum, Niko and Rick - their Dad, helped somewhat with Libby, who was cooking dinner,

"Hello Tatum, Niko. How was your week?" Libby asked.

Tatum and Niko told her that their weeks had been reasonably good. No alien invasions or the beginnings of a zombie apocalypses to report of, to Tatum's never ending dismay.

Tatum and Niko's Grandpa, Jules was there as well. He didn't say much but just his presence was enough to make everyone happy. 

They enjoyed a delightful dinner, Tatum and Niko did the dishes. Then it was desided a game would be played.

Christa really wanted to play Exploding Kittens. But her wants were ignored and Betrayal at House on the Hill was to be played instead.

Libby and Jules were invited to play, but both opted to watch TV instead. Rick had joked that Libby was being very anti-social. Libby agreed but still politely denied the invitation to play.

But perhaps maybe Libby and Jules were the smart ones...


As Tatum helped Niko to set up the game, her thoughts wandered to the movies she had watched earlier that day. The two newest Jumanji movies.

Tatum thought it would be fun to have an adventure like that. She couldn't help but wish that the game they were about to play would suck them all in, like Jumanji did in the movies. Sure it's a fun game to play. But Tatum thought it would be even more fun were they to be actually in the game.

But this was reality, and crazy things like that don't happen just because you wish for it.


But It just so happened that the narrator of this story is so awesome, that they can do anything in this story, even break the 4th wall :D.

The narrator uses their awesome narrator abilities and causes the game to glow brightly.

Just before the people in this story could even react, let alone chose their character's, all four players were sucked into the game.

The four heard a strange maniacal cackling as they found themselves in the entrance hall of a grand mansion...


Character descriptions:

Tatum: 21, blood red hair-dyed, green eyes, black jeans, a white Dr who t-shirt, TARDIS blue hat, black trench coat and black fingerless gloves.

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