Este's A Friend Of Mine

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Taylor's POV
Este's a friend of mine.
We meet up every Tuesday at Olive Garden for dinner and a glass of wine. Olive Garden, not the fanciest place, but we've been going there since we were teenagers and we got our first paychecks. We always start with an order of cheesy breadsticks (A/N idek if that's a thing they do at olive garden cause I've never been there so sorry if this isn't accurate) Este usually orders an alfredo pasta. She's that type of person. Light and sort of sweet, also a little bit basic. She mixes well with other people. I usually order a salad and shrimp scampi. After we have finished our main courses we usually stay and catch up with a couple of glasses of wine, and maybe even some dessert. 
    But today, Este tells me something I never would have thought, she hasn't told anyone, and me being her best friend, she trusts me enough to tell me. She suspects her husband is cheating. She says that she has seen Merlot in the wine cellar that she knows she didn't buy. (Charles doesn't drink Merlot). She doesn't have any sort of memory issue, and she is certain that she never purchased it, let alone drink half of it. She then tells me that she got a message from her bank telling her that Charles maxed his card on buying jewelry that she knows he didn't give to her. She tells me that there is no way he is planning on giving it to her since the purchases were over a week ago. She has no birthday coming up, no holiday, nothing. 
Este's POV
    I did not buy that Merlot. I swear I did not. I have sworn to myself that I will recognize anyone who goes near my husband wearing the jewelry that I have memorized. There's a amethyst necklace that I am absolutely certain is not for me (purple isn't my color, and Charles knows it.) A matching latched bracelet, and two expensive rings. Like, Expensive with a capital E. I feel I should confront Charles because I thought he loved me enough to not do that. But I decide I'm going to talk to him, but first I run the idea past Taylor. She seems to know a lot about how people act, or how they might react to certain things.
Taylors POV (A/N sorry for all the switching)
    When Este tells me she wants to talk to Charles I'm scared to say the least. I Don't, I know how he can get, It's dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt" I said, with a worried, or at least what I hoped looked worried, look on my face.
"But Taylor, I need to, what if he tries to divorce me before I confront him. I need to stop it." Este says, a slightly panicked tone in her voice, as I figure she is imagining what could happen. Imagining everything but what might happen if she did confront him.
I sigh and give in but I make a deal with myself, I'll come back to make sure she's okay in the morning. "Fine, talk to him but I want you to be careful. And don't make it obvious that you know what he's up to." I know a murderer when I see one, I am almost 100% certain that Charles Hale is dangerous. He's had something off about him since they got married. Este looks at me, and I can see that she's wondering how long this affair has been going on.
Este's POV (A/N I'm so sorry for all the switching it'll calm down once we get deeper into the story) 
    I am glad that Taylor let me talk to Charles, but I don't think she was happy about it. She definitely seems worried, and I know why. Something does seem off about Charles sometimes, he always has some sort of negative energy radiating off of him. But I'm not too worried since i married him i would hope he wouldn't hurt me because he loves me. Right? He wouldn't cheat on me, he promised he wouldn't. Snap out of it Este, he loves you and would never cheat on you or do anything to hurt you. I am brought back from my thoughts when Taylor coughs lightly. She looks at me with raised eyebrows, as if asking if I'm really going to go through with this. I know how Charles can get. He can be harsh, he can be cruel, and he can be scary. I nod back at her, confirming that I really am.
*TIME SKIP to when Este gets home*
I can't believe I'm going to do this. When I get out of Taylor's car I look back at her, and she nods solemnly at me. As she pulls away, I catch her glance back in the rearview mirror. When I open the door, I look at the floor and see a pair of shoes I could never wear, and definitely don't own. My face drops. Is he really cheating? I glance back up from the shoes and see Charles standing there with a glass of Merlot in his hand. He hands it to me and says "I got some special Merlot just for you, baby." I hesitantly take the glass and sniff it, wondering if this is legit or not.  It doesn't smell weird, or unlike any Merlot I've ever had. 
 "Whose shoes are those?" I ask. I need to know before I drink anything that he gives me. I'm not that stupid.
 "Oh! Those are my... sister's," he says. I didn't know he had a sister. I've never met her. 
"She came to visit today. I wanted to catch up with her." he says, a gentle smile on his face.
"Oh. ok." I take a few small sips, it doesn't taste weird, maybe he won't kill me. That would be a bonus. But I've jinxed myself, suddenly my vision starts to get blurry, and right before I blackout I see a woman with long sleek black hair step through the doorway, and she's wearing a massive amethyst necklace.
(1071 words)

Hiiiiiii okay I really hope you liked that, if you have any tips for us to use so we can improve let us know :)
That was super fun to write and we have a lot of good ideas for chapters to come!
-Mara and Claire

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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