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Winter opens the door to his home in sanctuary, it's late and he has just finished feeding the scavengers. Dark inside but he feels uneasy. He puts a snarl on his face and shouts "Show your self". 

Moonwatcher comes out of the next room "Winter" she barely whispers, shaking. Winter immediately freezes up. Moon the love of his life is here with him. After everything he said in the Night Kingdom he never thought she would show up. He starts apologizing for everything he said " I'm so sorry for what said I'm"- 

"Winter stop" she says. "I just needed to see you". The air clears and Winter goes and brushes Moons wing. " I'm moving to sanctuary I hope I can help you with your scavenger project". Winter's head is spinning and he has to lie down. "Winter" Moon says. "Are you all right". 

"Yes I'm fine I mean good I mean ecstatic" Winter stammers. "But what about Queen Glory don't you have too stay loyal. "Yes I do and I am" Moon says. "I'm loyal to you". Winters heart hurts he wants moon so bad. "Moon?" Winter asks. "What about Qibli?" "He's nice but he's not you" Moon replies. 

Moon tells Winter what happened with Darkstalker. "And that's how he was forever stopped" Moon finishes. "Although I still can't keep myself from checking on him" she admitted. "It's ok I get being nervous I mean this whole situation I nervous" Winter says " I still am tiny bit" he whispers. 

"You have nothing to worry about now Winter this is happening whether you want it to or not". Moon says firmly. Winter takes in a deep breath and says " I want it to happen and it will" and then he adds " Thank you Moonwatcher". Moon chuckles and says " That's not very IceWing of you Winter". Then she says " But it's very Winter".  Moon decides that she needs to give winter a bit of space. "Don't worry I will give you time to think about all this i'll be in Riptides house." Moon leaves the house making Winter all alone once more. Winter rushes forward and says "you don't have to leave".

Wings of fire - Snow OwlWhere stories live. Discover now