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It was a cloudy day, but showed so signs of rain. The wind was warm and relaxing to the students who had a free slot in their time table.

Effie was reading by the Black Lake, sitting on the grass, far from the other students. She was relaxed and aware of any stares in her direction, but paid them no mind.

Lily approached Effie and stood in front of her. "Hi."

Effie glanced up from her book. "Lily, hello."

"Mind if I sit next to you?" asked Lily.

"It's a free space, so go ahead."

"Right, thank you," replied Lily as she sat down next to Effie.

Silence ensued. Lily glanced awkwardly around the lake, racking her brain with ideas of what to talk about. Effie clearly didn't mind that Lily was sitting next to her, but she didn't exactly seem to care at all.

"Nice weather," said Lily.

"A bit cloudy, but yes," added Effie, eyes never leaving the page.

"Aren't you lonely? I mean, I notice you're usually alone."

"Most people don't approach me. You're the first. I don't mind. The silence is nice. I don't particularly enjoy loud noises or voices," answered Effie.

"Neither do I. It's why the library is one of my favorite places at Hogwarts," commented Lily. "The smell of books is wonderful as well."

Effie smiled gently and looked at Lily from the side. "Yes, the smell of books is wonderful. There's nothing better than being surrounded my fresh parchment and the soft sound of pages turning."

"I completely agree!" exclaimed Lily joyfully.

Effie chuckled. "I can tell. I'd say this is the start of a wonderful friendship."

"Yes, I'd say so myself. You should hang out with my friends and I," invited Lily.

"Ah, I don't get along with others very well. I'm not very sure why even you approached me, but if others don't approach of their own volition, then it matters not. Still, thank you for the offer. I'm quite parched. It's the most I've spoken to someone. Excuse me."

Effie stood up and brushed her skirt before leaving Lily, book tucked into her armpit. Lily continued to sit there, staring after Effie with a sense of satisfaction and pride.

"Friend, huh?" she murmured. "Better than nothing, I suppose."

The girls popped out from an array of trees and bushes, while the Marauders came out from the invisibility cloak.

"Godric, how long have you all been there?" Lily hissed.

"The whole time," said Dawn.

"What happened there?" asked James. "It was such...small talk."

"We're friends now!" exclaimed Lily.

"That's friends?" James questioned.

"I'm telling you; we're very good friends now!" exclaimed Lily.

"The point is you're supposed to be dating her, not be friends!" cried out James.

"Says you! You were stuck at the friend level with me for five years!"

"Because you said you liked girls!" cried James.

"And for good reason," retorted Lily.

Ivory snorted. "Honesty, can you two go a day without arguing?"

"No," they said.

Ivory rolled her eyes. "You two would have been soulmates if Lily wasn't interested in girls."

"That's what I'm saying!" exclaimed James.

"Sod off, Potter," retorted Lily.

"You first," he replied.

Ivory sighed. "Honestly. Let's just ignore James for now. Lily, how is your progress with Evanescence?"

"As I was saying; it's good! She's acknowledging me now. When past by each other in the corridor th other day and she smiled at me," explained Lily.

"She didn't smile before?" questioned James.

"For your information, no."

"That's almost depressing," he said.

"What's depressing is that you went after me for five years," retorted Lily.

"You really should have told me you liked girls earlier," he retorted.

"I didn't exactly know at that time. Besides, even if I did, I still wouldn't have told you. You're too much of a blabbermouth," explained Lily.

"I am not! I am very good at keeping secrets!"

"When it comes to yourself and the Marauders, yes," said Lily. "You're quite selfish, you know. I hope you know."

James waved her away with his hand. "I've been told."

"So what's next on the 'Trick Evanescence into falling in love with Lily' plan?" asked Ivory.

"Who in the bloody hell came up with that name? And I don't recall ever having such a plan," said Lily with her hands on her hips.

"I came up with the name just now. So? The plan?"

"I think talking will suffice. Besides, what's really important is determining if she likes girls or not," said Lily.

"She seems to like you just fine," said James. "Now, let's make her fall in love with dear Lily."

"You guys make it sound so easy," huffed Lily. "If if were so easy, she'd be my significant other by now, wouldn't she? It's not like James and Azalea, where we're quite literally meant to be."

"Who says it can't be?" questioned Azalea. "I never thought my true love would be this idiot over here. Sometimes I question the world we live in."

"Hey! I take quite a bit of offense to that, love," retorted James.

Azalea rolled her eyes and pinched his cheek gently. "Right, whatever you say, James."

He huffed, but said nothing and allowed her to punch his cheek.

Lily groaned. "Being around all you pairings is making me anxious, but also hopeful."

"It's you being impatient, is what it is," said Ivory. "Now, the plan?"

Lily groaned. "Fine, the plan."

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