Chapter 1 Symptoms

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The sound of an alarm sounded at 4 am this Monday morning. Kibum a tall, lean, brown haired male arose from his slumber smacking the snooze button. He rubbed his tired droopy eyes groaning at the thought of having to go to another day of work at the SM Entertainment office. His hair was ruffled and messy he pushed it away from his eyes and held it up in place with a hairband he kept on his wrist.

"Jongie~" Kibum croaked his throat dry. He pushed the shoulder of a much more broad and muscular male with dark grey almost black hair, who was playing the 'I'm still asleep' card. Kibum knew he wasn't because Jonghyun was an extremely light sleeper.

Jonghyun muffled his words into his pillow making Kibum roll his eyes at his lovers silliness that happened every morning.

"Come on time for work," he nudged the shorter male again.

Jonghyun groaned and rolled over to Kibum wrapping his arms around his thin waist and held him closer. Jonghyun breathed in Kibum's scent of vanilla.

Kibum tried to refuse his lover so they wouldn't be late again to work like every other morning. One thing always lead to another and before they knew it they would end up late and sweaty to work.

Jonghyun kissed Kibum's neck softly making him shiver at his sweet touch.

"J-Jongie, please we can't be late again."

"Ah, come on Bummie~ let's just stay home today and play~."

Play. Kibum knew what that meant and he was not feeling it. Kibum thought twice before agreeing and giving into Jonghyun's plead for play time.

"N-not right now please let's get ready it's already been 10 minutes." Kibum refused to give in.

Jonghyun let his kisses trail up to Kibum's jaw line, cheek, nose, and finally his lips. He was indeed hungry for Kibum this morning. Kibum knew that he'd end up giving into his lovers request and ended up wraping his arms around Jonghyun's neck. A hand ran through Jonghyun's hair and Kibum pulled his head back fighting back the urge of giving in.

Breaking the kiss from the tug of hair Kibum panted out a word.


Jonghyun whined not wanting to go, but he had no choice since Kibum had already gotten off the bed and was in the bathroom beginning his morning skin routine.

Jonghyun gave a big sigh before walking into the bathroom and taking his morning piss.

After getting ready they both left arriving to work just barley on time at 6:10 am. They laughed at one another for actually being somewhat on time.

Another day at the office was boring as usual. Kibum and Jonghyun worked on different different floors of the building so they didn't see much of eachother at work. Jonghyun was a singing teacher who worked with trainees and Kibum was a judge at the auditions. Kibum usually got off earlier than Jonghyun so he'd head home and prepare dinner for them.

Today wasn't Kibum's day. He got a head ache from the different noises his ears had to put up with every morning and got scolded for almost falling asleep during an audition. He didn't feel too hot either. He was coming down with a fever and just wanted the day at work to end already.

Lunch time came around and he texted Jonghyun so they could hopefully meet up for lunch.
To Jonghyun:

'Honey, let's go get some Chipotle for lunch!' 12:13pm
To Kibum:

'Sorry lunch break isn't till another hour for me. Maybe next time.' 12:15pm

Kibum locked his phone and dropped it on his desk. He loosened his tie and let out a huff.

Symptoms {JongKey Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now