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No One's POV:

A young man ran fearfully through the back streets of the stormy night. He seen people being slaughtered by some type of creature's. He ducked behind a dumpster just in time as a bunch of large muscular animalistic creatures charged past. He quickly and quietly darted towards the back alleys. Thunder cracked open the dark cloudy skies above.

He thought back to what has happened. He saved a younger woman from a creature about yo tear her head off. He brought her back to the hidden shelter, that Kept survivors from the attacks. Only when it was too late that she revealed to be something far more sinister.

She screamed like a banshee and hundreds of those creatures burst through the roofs and walls. He knew that it was his fault this shelter was going to be destroyed. He quickly darted towards the nearest exit making sure to stay our of site. He clenched his eyes tight as he heard her say through the many people's dying wails and screams.

???: "Thank you for saving me".

He stopped to catch his breath as he could hear the creatures in the distance. He let out a sigh of relief.

The man's name was Tom.

Tom: "Fucking whore....she played me".

Images of people he grew close to flashed through thoughts.

Tom: Alice, Marco, Tim...I'm so sorry".

He covered his face as the rain poured down he quickly git to his feet as from a flash of lightning revealed something lurking in the darkness. A man with long H/C, he had rather long and sharp nails. His skin looked like a deathly S/C, he stared at the man with a emotionless gaze.

Tom stood yo his feet not taking his eyes off the man he used his hands to find a weapon, when hd grabbed something cold and hard, he quickly raised it seeing that he had a broken piece of pipe.

Tom: "What the hell are you"?

In a flash of lightning the man was gone. Tom panicked and swung back he heard something connect as he spun around only for a strange long clawed hand to grasp his neck. He gasped for breath as the man was crouched and balanced perfectly on a fence post.

The man raised a finger to his lips signaling to be quiet. Tom nodded as the man opened his mouth to reveal several large serrated teeth.

???: "I thought all of the humans have been killed off".

His head snapped to the left as he said in a lie growl.

???: "Run".

Tom was airborne as hd leg out a scream only to land on his back on the ground. HD based as he watched the man or creature wrestle one of the larger creatures to the ground effortlessly. He sank his teeth into its neck as more creatures started to appear. Tom and the man shared a quick moment both understanding one another.

Tom quickly got up and ran as he could hear some gave chase and others tried to tear the 'beast' that's the name Tom christine it apart. Tom dicked as one of the creatures slammed into the side of a building just above him. He vaulted over a fallen over dumpsters before he stopped dead in his tracks.

The woman from before stood in front of him. He backed up slowly. His head snapped to the left when a voice shouted.

???: "Where are you going"?

Another to his right

???: "Tom Stop".

Another came from behind him

???: "Behind you".

Tom quickly spun around swinging the metal pipe. Only to see nothing. He slunk around and gasped the woman was smiling sadistically at him. Suddenly her mouth enlarged revealing several long large serrated teeth. He tongue was ling and pointed. She let out a animalistic screech as she lunged only for something to knock her back. It was the 'beast'

That's when he noticed it. They both looked the same in some ways like they're related. The male creature shouted.


He watched as they tore eachothers limbs off only for new ones to grow back at a impossible fast rate. Tom quickly ran down the steed he didnt think his night would be so hellish. He ran and ran only for him to collide with something so hard but something soft hit his face. He fell back and groaned he opened his eyes to reveal.

A tall, faceless woman, she was wearing a black trenchcoat raincoat. She stood wear his face should be stated down at him. Its only when a voice of a woman inside his head said.

???: "Fear not mortal, I'm here to get you to safety".

She reacted up to her face revealing it to he a Mask bot her face.

???: "All will he revealed in due time".

Just then several tendrils appeared from her back as Tom stared in awe and shock. She suddenly vanished before several howls of pain could he heard behind him. He sounds around to see her ripping apart the creatures with ease or crushing them with brut strength. She impaled several that were in a row as she just stood there with her arms crossed.

???: "It's pointless with these mindless beings".

She slain the last of the creatures before she walked towards him. Her height adding to her intimidating appearance. Just by watching that display of power and strength he could see that if anyone would to challenge her. They would have to be a god.

???: "Let is leave I do believe my man has taken her down at least for now".

She wrapped a tendril around him. Tom screamed as his cry of panicked soon was just an echo in the night. The girl from before huffed as he pulled herself off of a broken light poll that jutted through her gut. She glared at the retreating figure above the buildings.

???: "Well played Y/N you have gotten stronger since our last meeting...this is just the beginning of a fun game of war".

She laughed crazily as her laughter could be heard above the thundering roar of the pouring rain and the blast of thunder across the sky before a crack of lighting makes the sky flash and soom just silence. The bodies of creatures and humans lay silent as the dead should remain.

Hello my army of Horrors I hope yall enjoyed the return of this book. Anywho yall know what to do. Anywho this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 1093

Male Survivor Reader X Female Creepypasta Book 3Where stories live. Discover now