Chat Room Chat's 1

89 0 1

*Scarlet has logged on

*JIll has logged on

*Nikki has logged on

*Natasha has logged on

*Nikole has logged on

*Zack has logged on

Scarlet: tell me again why we are doing this?

Nikki: Because the one we call leader has grounded us to our rooms for a month so this is the only easy way we can communicate to each other.

NIkole: I can't belive you guys got me grounded!

Zack: You know what I can't belive? that I'm the only guy who has logged on right now!

Nikole: Oh thats nothing to complain about! ALL OF MY BOOKS ARE IN THE STUDY! WHAT ON EARTH AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?! I"M GOING TO DIE OF BOREDOM IN HERE!!!

Scarlet: Hey! you can't yell at him like that!

Nikole: Watch me.

Scarlet: you better watch it, your room is right next door. I can easly walk over there without dayler knowing I left my room.

Nikole: You wouldnt dare.

Scarlet: Don't belive me?

Nikole: nope, I dont. your too much of a scardy pig.

Scarlet: It's scardy cat you idiot.

NIkole, No, I ment pig, you look and smell like one.

*Scarlet has looged off

Jill: Nikole, I would lock your door If I were you, she just left the room.


*Nikole has been disconnected

Natasha: So... nice weather we're having huh?

 *Jarreth has logged on

Jarreth: What is with all that banging noise coming from Nikoles room?

Jill: She insulted Scarlet.

Jarreth: Ok. 

*Scarlet has logged on

Scarlet: Thet'll teach her a lesson.

*Nikole has logged on

Nikole: I dislike you.

Scarlet: good.

Nikki: now that we almost got caught on a chat room where not supposed to have, are you guys done?

Scarlet: hey, I'm your older sister, I tell you what to do.

Nikki: o.O

Scarlet: .......

Zack: Oh my gosh. Don't evan start.

Natasha: So, Jarreth, How are you going to make it without seeing Nikole for a month?

Me: *Face desk* *Face desk* *Face desk*

Jerreth: Oh, look at the time....

*Jarreth has logged off

Zack: Yeah, I'm going to leave too.

*Zack has logged off.

Nikki: Well then!

Natasha: Daylor alert!

*Natasha has signed off

*Scarlet has signed off

*Jill has signed off

*Nikole has signed off

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