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I was tagged to do this by @Sweetsuprise123 so blame her if this bad! XD

1.       I’m tall. That’s it I’m 6 feet and 5 inches tall so I duck a lot. I even hit my head on a 10 inch thick branch!

2.       I’m overweight/broad I’ve been told to play football (American) a lot since I’m so tall and have broad shoulders. I also am heavy from muscle and fat, but not enough to press out on shirts that aren’t tucked in or out right to small. Still trying to lose that last 40 pounds! But somehow I still run faster than the 11-14 year olds in my troop even the ones who play soccer (European).

3.       I really like playing chess, I’m a member of the chess club at my school. And I am told by the coach that I am improving really quickly.

4.       I can’t run all out for more than ten seconds due to my asthma but can jog for a good while. But my all out is as fast as some of the schools track runners. Strangely enough I don’t know anything about sports!

5.       My mom’s sides great ancestors are from Germany and she is the youngest of 7 daughter her dad only wanted one boy. My dad’s ancestors are from Ireland and he is the oldest of 5 boys and 2 girls. My grandparents really need a better hobby especially since my youngest uncle is 23, same as my older brother.

6.       I have big feet, really big feet. As in 16 4e U.S. same as all of my dad’s side or even bigger!

7.       I like sharp objects be it knives, axes, swords, scissors, or chisels. Even though I almost lost the use of my left hand’s thumb due to a chisel accident.

8.       I didn’t learn how to read or write until 2nd grade because none of the teachers realized, hmm this child can’t tell us what happened in the book… its fine he probably just forgot how it went.

9.       I love to play games especially card games and board games. I warn you now that if you play me in monopoly I will bankrupt you with only 3 properties.

10.   I like wood carving and hope to carve most of a chess set over the summer.

11.   I draw sometimes and they’re fairly decent looking I think.

12.   At one time I had 9 dogs, a 15 by 18 foot pond of fish, 2 bearded dragons, and 35 cats. Also one of my cousins catches and keeps snakes as pets. I hate spiders and mosquitos.

13.   I procrastinate, don’t study, and forget to do my homework.

14.   I am a Boy Scout and have been to 2013 national scout jamboree and am going to 2015 NOAC 100th anniversary of Order of the Arrow, which is the scouting honor society of cheerful labor.

15.   I have only been in one fight and that was when I was6 and I beat up a 10 and 12 year old because they were hitting me into mud with a metal pole. That’s all I remember because I lost control and blacked out and attacked them with the same metal pole according to my brother who pulled me off of them

16.   I am the youngest of 3 a brother and sister. I am also the biggest of 3

17.   I was supposed to come out as a premature sized baby because my mom had two tumors on her ovaries but I came out bigger than normal babies.

18.   I will turn 18 this year December 2 which my grandmother was born December 1.

19.   I’m scared to go up and talk to people to people

20.   If I am left alone to long I start to get really paranoid. As in I will get up and search the entire room for any signs of my imagined danger.

21. i know 20 but i felt that i should add this: even though i can take up a door way i can still walk around and not be noticed and sometimes i grab people when they forget im there!

i dont know anyone well enough to challenge them so yeah... Forever Alone! :'(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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