House of Wolves ((Chappy One))

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Marco loves Panic! At the Disco. Their songs could be so deep at points then be about hot sex the next, and they'll still have a snappy beat.

He's too poor to go to an actual concert of their's, but Marco would take any chance he could get to be anywhere near Panic! songs. That's why at the age of sixteen he left his home and moved to the Black Parade Gate, where punk rock songs are the pop songs of California.

Every night, somewhere in the Gate, they're playing some sort of song. Either teenagers are walking and the song Teenagers by My Chemical Romance plays on their phone and everyone starts to sing to it 'cause that song is so dam catchy, or an actual band covers a song legally, and there's a makeshift concert where people buy tickets and the whole nine yards.

The apartment he rents, House of Wolves, usually holds such types of concerts, where a new coming band will cover such songs, and maybe even a few originals would be played. People renting the rooms of House of Wolves were free to go, but if you lived somewhere else, it wasn't much money to get in.

There's some sort of unofficial rule at these types of parties, where it hints at something slightly more sexual than regular concerts. Usually, towards the end of each performance, there's a slow song that plays, and couples would go off and dance to it. Though these dances are slow, there's a lot of PDA involved, anywhere from holding hands to full-on kissing to grabbing each other's asses. Usually, people took their girlfriends or boyfriends to these, but sometimes single people went too and were invited to dance by strangers, who then would feel free to continue under the hinted conditions of exual foreplay while dancing to slow songs.

Marco doesn't mind this, but, since he's single and has no one he loves who could dance with him, he usually leaves before this occurrence so that some girl won't get the pleasure of getting into his pants for the night.

Tonight, however, was different. For tonight, they are playing Panic! At the Disco songs.

And Marco doesn't waste any chances for beautifully-played Panic! music.

So, he stands off to the side of the concert, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his head banging slightly to the beat of the drums and piano of the song Ballad of Mona Lisa.

He watches people dance, sing, head bang and fist pump to the music, and smiles at how much unison they are in. He can't help but think of how similar they all look, dressed in black and in a similar fashion to Marco, yet how different they all are. How the same collection of words mean one thing to one person, another meaning to another, and they perceive the lyrics so differently yet they all come together to support the music, to support their beliefs, even if their beliefs are different.

Marco's eyes flick up toward the cover band, Year 3,000, when the song ends, and the singer announced, "Hey, I know y'all love you some Panic!, and I know that's all we've been playing tonight, but we're not sorry to inform you that we have one more Disco song tonight!"

The singer throws his fist into the air in a rebellious fashion, and people mimic him, cheering. Marco smiles at how they're all doing the same action but thinking entirely different things in the same moment.

When the chorus of whoops and shouts dies down, the singer continues, "This song is slow, so grab a sexy human being and dance with them, mothafuckers!"

The freckled man's eyes widen at this, in fear and surprise. He didn't think they were going to end the performance so soon. His eyes flicker around as he watches people pair off, arm-in-arm, smiling and giggling and kissing already.

But he soon smiles as he hears a song--the song that Year 3,000 was playing as their slow, dance sexually to song.

It's a slower piano version of This is Gospel by the one and only Panic! at the Disco.

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