"That" Kid

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(There's some art I did. My friend asked me to edit their favorite anime character into a woman, kind of sucks though)

Hey all, thanks for clicking this book, hope it lives up to your expectations :D!!

Little info about the story: If it's not in bold, it's not me. If you see something in parenthesis, not me unless it's emboldened.

I groaned, rolling off my bed onto the floor, landing with a loud thump. "Fuck.. well this is a great start." I muttered sarcastically. I stand up, brushing off my pajama shorts and Misfits T-shirt I had slept in. My ass hung out of the bright pink shorts as I walked to my reasonably sized closet. I grabbed a black lace thong, a bright pink skirt that was just a little too short to fit the dress code, and a soft off-white sweater that hung about my hips. I pulled them all on, checking in the mirror to be sure that I looked innocent enough to not be called slutty. I giggled, pulling on some white knee highs and white converse that looked like they had never been worn before. I rushed out of my room, almost running into my brother Michael. I run into the kitchen, grabbing a banana (What? It's the only fruit I like!!) before rushing out the door while running a hand through my black shoulder length hair. I rush to the street before stopping, realizing I forgot my bag. I rush back inside the house, grabbing my black messenger bag before rushing out again. 

I catch the bus just before it leaves, walking to the back. Noticing eyes on me, I swayed my hips just a little more, my eyes catching on a particularly dark and broody boy. I smiled at him, catching my lower lip between my teeth for just a second, having practiced this look many times. I walked past his seat and sat at the far back, away from everybody else. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my sketch book and began doodling, not paying attention to the shapes my hand was making on the paper. I looked down at the paper, my vision focusing. I saw the face of the boy from earlier staring back at me. I flipped to a fresh page and started drawing again. I drew a beautiful picture of butterflies... and the boy again damnit. I sighed, putting away my sketchbook as we pulled up to the school.

I walked off the bus, making sure to brush past that boy while walking into the school. I look back over my shoulder at him an smile, wiggling my fingers in a makeshift wave, before turning around and rushing down the halls to what I assume is my locker, based on the number I was given by the principal last week. Sure, it had taken some persuasion, but I finally got him to give me the top and bottom locker for my personal use. I opened it, and put all my books inside, before checking my appearance in my makeup compact. I winked at myself, before shutting my locker closed with much more force than necessary. Rushing off down the halls, I slid into my seat at the back of the class, pulling out my sketchbook from my skirt's waistband, opening it and drowning out the teacher, ignoring the boy who plopped down next to me, half an hour late.

I glanced over, seeing the boy from the bus, I quickly avert my eyes. My cheeks slowly turning a light shade of pink, like a beautiful rose that you see in those fancy gardens at those fancy museums. I continued drawing, only now realizing I was drawing him. My cheeks were burning now, and I flicked my eyes over to him, before fully focusing on my drawing. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned, seeing the teacher standing there, glowering. "Well young man, I know you may be new here, but we do not stand for this behavior, now pass me the notebook, you will get it back at the end of class." I shook my head pouting at him and batting my eyelashes, "I'm sorry sir, I was just so inspired by the beauty of your words, I felt the need to draw how wonderful they were." I spun the lie naturally, just like the last time I lied, and the time before. The teacher (I still didn't know his name) sighed in defeat, just like my other victims. "Fine," he hoarsely whispered out, eyes still locked on mine "fine, keep the notebook, just, please try to pay attention." With that, he walked back to the front of the class. 

I glanced around the class, noticing everybody's shocked expressions, staring at me and the teacher. I looked innocently at each of them, locking eyes with a few, a silent message to go back to work and leave me alone. I turned to the boy next to me, locking eyes, noticing his eyes flickering around the classroom in amazement at the silent power I had over these humans who had never even heard my name before. I smiled, before sending him the same message. He sighed in disbelief before turning back to his work. I glanced up to the teacher, who was blatantly staring at me. I sighed, before crossing my legs, knowing full well he could see my thong underneath. I smirked when his breath hitched, I made eye contact, biting my lip. This was what he got in return for letting me keep my sketchbook, a raging boner, a strange feeling for his newest student, and quite a few questions about his sexuality to deal with. I smiled as his eyes flickered away, before uncrossing my legs and going back to my sketches.


word count: 983

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