Chapter 1 - Late Hours

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(Third Person) 

Bokuto was sitting in his office like any other day. He stared out the glass looking at the night sky. He didn't realize it was this late already. He felt his stomach grumble. I should probably eat something  he mumbled to himself. He looked at the calculator and sheets of paper on his deck. He was counting the expenses of advertising more, looking for more investors. Bokuto wasn't really expecting his life to lean towards this way. Bokuto always viewed business as more of one big gamble if you think about it. He leaned back in his chair rubbing his temples.

"Hey Bokuto I brought us some dinner, I figured you haven't ate anything considering how annoying you are" The voice said. He looked up, he recognized the voice, his best friend.

"HEY HEY HEYYYYYY AKAASHIIIIIII" The booming voice filled the room. Akaashi visibly winced, although he was used to the boys antics he was caught off guard. 

"How thoughtful of you" Bokuto said with a teasing voice. "I know you love me kashi you just gotta admit it."  The smaller boy rolled his eyes at Bokuto words.

"Shut your trap and let's eat before it gets cold" He said in his typical voice. 

"Why do you have to be so mean to me kashiiiiiiii we're best friendsssss!" 

"After all these years and your just as childlike as you used to be Bokuto" He looked at the boy sitting at his desk. Akaashi put the food down and pulled a chair and sat on it, sighing as he did. It was a long day for the both of them, filled with endless meeting that were dreadfully long. 

"Hows your mom doing kashi? I heard she called you today, she called my line by accident as usual." Bokuto looking at Akaashi saying it with concern, he and Akaashi's mom had always been very close.

"Ah, she's alright, no need to worry. She was just going again on her endless fuss about marriage and how she might not get to see her grandkids long enough." The boy said while picking at his meal. It wasn't his favorite but it was Bokuto's, he'd rather have gotten noodles but decided he should for the boy, he had been stressing himself out a lot more lately.

"She's on that AGAIN? She really is something Kashi." He said laughing. "Why don't you get a girlfriend anyway? I'm sure you would be able to."

"It's not that Bokuto, I'd just rather not spend my on girls, I don't really have an eye for them anyway." He said again in a serious tone. His voice is rarely laced with any type of emotion.

"Well I wouldn't tell your mom that" He started laughing "She would drag your ass to a wedding". Akaashi smiled at what he said. He really wasn't wrong he usually tells his mom he's trying but in reality he could care less about women. 

The two carried on having their normal conversation about their company. Talking about random things that came up as well. The two always found things to talk about, never getting bored of each other. They've been like this since high school, inseparable, considering their clashing personalities. They decided to head off in their separate ways. Both going home after a long day.


It was the next day. Akaashi woke up to his blaring alarm going off. He hates the thing but its the only thing that wakes him up. He used to show up late because of his alarm not waking up but Bokuto got him this special one that has his voice screaming. It sure as hell woke him up everyday but wasn't that pleasant. He got ready doing his day to day normal stuff. He quickly left not wanting to be late to work. He was leaving earlier than usual since he wanted to talk to Bokuto quickly before their day started. He entered his office, unpacking his briefcase. He had 2 meetings scheduled for the day and he was not in the mood for. 

"Sir I have the papers you wanted, they were faxed over this morning."

"Thank you Akari, you may go." Akari was Akaashi's assistant. She'd be working under him for quite a long time. He looked over the papers and decided to head to Bokuto's office. He wanted them both to discuss this during their first meeting of the day. He was at the outside of his office before he heard something inside. He didn't open the door, instead standing outside listening to the voice. It was deep, definitely a guys, but not anyone he knew of. 

"Bokuto I'm gonna go now I don't want anyone seeing me leave your office its so unprofessional." The voice said. Unprofessional?  Who the hell was this guy? Akaashi thought. 

"Oh so no goodbye kiss this time?" Bokuto said in his teasing voice. Akaashi felt something bubbling in his chest. What was going on?

"How about I make it up to you with something else later Bokuto?" The voice said in a seductive tone. Akaashi felt confused and flushed. What had he just overheard and WHO was it? "Oh you're on" he heard his bestfriend's voice say, causing Akaashi's curiosity to grow even more. He heard shuffling and then realized they were about to open the door.  A male opened the door making eye contact with Akaashi. The realization quickly dawned over him. It was one of the guys from their last meeting yesterday. His hair was all messed up and lips red. Akaashi felt the color drain from his face. Were they? Wait that cant be-

His thoughts were cut off by Bokuto coming from behind him. 

"Hey Fujin why are you standing at the doo- Oh heyy kashii" The last part coming off more nervous than Bokuto wanted. Not expecting Akaashi to even be at the building today, he usually comes in later. Fujin said his goodbyes and left not wanting to stay their a second longer. The two walked into Bokuto's office. Akaashi taking in everything for a second. The messed up desk, Bokuto's messed up hair, his blazer off, and the first couple buttons being unhooked from his shirt. What caught Akaashi's eye the most was the clear and obvious hickey forming at his friends collarbone. He was putting the pieces together, but he couldn't believe it.

"I swear it's not what it looks like." The taller boy said while fixing himself up. The black haired boy snorted. "Yeah okay care to explain? Or will the hickey over there for me? He said while pointing to Bokuto. 

"I didn't know you uh, swu-" The shorter boy was quickly cut of by Bokuto.

"Swung that way? You never asked Kashi, how would you know?" He was right. Akaashi had never asked. He always assumed that Bokuto would like girls. An unknown feeling started to rise. He quickly pushed it away and looked up at the boy with owl like hair.

"Usually the person tells but its okay, its not like I'm homophobic Bokuto, it just caught me by surprise thats all" He really was surprised. He never thought something like this would happen, he got a shiver. Why did he kind of wish it was him instead of Fujin? He shook it off dismissing it probably because he was jealous of having to share his bestfriend. That's all, of course.

"It never occured to me to bring it up, plus I've flirted with guys plenty of times in front of you, its surprising that YOU never noticed." Bokuto laughed. He flirted?  Akaashi always assumed thats how he was, just being friendly considering his personality. 

"I thought it was just you being friendly" 

"I'm friendly to a certain extent, Kashi. Oh well that reminds me why are you here anyway? Any updates on the meetings?" He said back to his normal preppy voice.

"Oh yes, I got the papers we wanted faxed over I was gonna have us look at it together before the meeting today....which is in 10 minutes so lets talk quick" He said as he looked at his watch mid-conversation. The two went off while walking to the meeting discussing how they could propose these new ideas to their investors and the rest of their coworkers.


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Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and it wasn't too much of a bore to read. 

If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them!

Have a good day!

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