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When soundwave falls from the birth I didn't know what to think. I was confused on why he did that but that is the best part of soundwave. You never know what he might do. That is one of the many reasons that we (me and starscream) want him as our third. And before I could stop him starscream moved forward and got knocked up the side of his head with the electrified cables.

Soundwave pov

I land on the Flore and back into a corner with my felers surrounding me. A blur comes toward me and I lash out and something makes a satisfying clang and zapping sound with the smell of something burning than dissappears. Than I hear someone talking....A deep, husky, sexy voice that melts your insides and turns me to a pile of goo (yes.....I have a voice kink). And I can tell that it is triying to bring me back from where ever I am and through the haze that has fallen over my prosseser.
Sloly but surely the haze falls and be for me stands the hunk of metal called megatron.

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