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Hey guys so I'm doing Mairi smuts now as well and if ur new go read my other book mattia smuts but other than that lets get to the story❤️)

Kairi POV:
It has been a month ever since I've been a slave and wondering how well let me rewind back a lil.

Flash back:

I got home from school and my parents were sitting on the couch holding a stack of money I went over to them and noticed they ha my clothes my stuffed animals including my lil mini me Olaf🥺🤍 )

Kai: mom dad what's wrong and why is all my stuff down here?

Kais mom: I'm so sorry honey I wish we had time to explain) as soon as they said that men and a tall handsome man who was wearing a turtleneck with checkered pants with a Gucci belt rapped around him to make his outfit complete had walked up to me)

???: kairi cosentino ur coming with us
Kai: w-what no! Why?! Mom what's going on?!
Kais mom: we sold you to this man for 10,000 dollars I'm so sorry)
Kai: w-why would you do that I thought you loved me?!
Km: son we do but pleas-
Kai: you don't need to explain nothing to me you don't love me and that's fine with me if u want me out then fine I'll leave I always knew you guys loved maiya more than me instead of loving us both the same way?! Is this Bc I'm gay?
Km: ofc it isn't I support you and love yo-
Kai: no you don't and it's fine I'll just go) I headed out the door with tear filling around my eyes but pushed back with anger)

End of flashback

Kais POV

So yea and the tall sexy man is my master his name is mattia he is the most dangerous person on earth as far as I know and it's hasn't been worst then my mom getting rid of me but still hate working for him)

Mattia: you better be cleaning u lil slut

Kai: I am doing it unless ur not cleaning 6 floors a whole fucking Mansion I suggest you should let me do my job like my mom sold me for!) we both stood their in silence I knew he was going to Rearrange my guts some how or spank me until my ass is the color of blood the flows inside me) he started walking closer to me making me back into a wall he got close in my face and stared into my soul looking like he wanted to rip the soul out of my body and leave me here dead I couldn't think of anything but apologizing)

Kai: I-I'm sorry I didn't mea-

Mattia: no no no don't apologize I'm going to dick you down until you can't fucking take it and I'm going to carve my name in ur thigh and spank you till ur a dark red...

I stood their parlized and frightened he grabbed my wrist hard making sure to start of with a mark and when we got to the room he slammed the door and started walking towards me

Hey guys for the first chapter I'm leaving you off with a cliffhanger I'm so sorry about that my phones about to die and my charger don't stretch a do I don't wanna stand bc a bitch lazy but I will finish later byeeee (: ❤️🥺

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