How it all began.

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In the beginning, God made earth, heaven, and angels. But one of his angels, Lucifer, thought he could overthrow God but since God is an all-knowing God, he threw Lucifer out of heaven and now he roams around in hell.

Then God created Adam and Eve. The first humans that God has ever created. He loves them very much, but he wanted to see if they, and all of mankind, will choose him over evil because he doesn't want to make mankind robots who are forced to love him, so he gave the free will so it's easier to love them.

Free will to choose God, the light and love of the world. Or Satan(Lucifer, the fallen angel). The evil and darkness of the world.

He gave them free will because it's harder to love people who are forced to love you back.

So he told Adam and Eve not to eat the apples in the garden.

But Satan came to Adam and Eve in the form of a snake and tempted them to eat the apple.

Adam and Eve fell into temptation and they ate the apple and disobeyed God. Because of that, God punished them.

Then soon, Adam and Eve reproduced and more and more humans were roaming the earth. But one thing they all had in common was that they all disobeyed God and sinned.

This made God sad and angry. God loves them so much and he does so much for them like give them food, air, water, clothes, a roof over their heads, and protects them when the devil tries to kill them, but despite all he has done they still sinned.

And with that, most people will be going to hell. Because at that time, they only way to get to heaven (which heaven is eternal paradise after you die), is to not sin which that would be deemed impossible for humans.

So he sent his one and only son, Jesus. He came to earth and was heavily persecuted because the devil hates all things that are God's property. But despite all that, he healed many people and preached the gospel. (The gospel is the message from God -most of the things He says in the bible).

He brought many people close to God. Then he took our punishment.

What I mean by that is, since we have sinned, we deserve hell. We are not worthy enough to even be seen close within God because God is everything good and everything righteous. So we deserve hell because we have all sinned.

So Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he was whipped, mocked, beaten, spat on, impaled, and suffered and suffocated, all because he loves you, and wants to see you in heaven.

Everything that Jesus went through on that cross was what you would have gotten and what you deserved.

And with Jesus dying on the cross for your sins, you can now go into heaven if you just except his free gift and sacrifice.

If you are still confused about everything I said, here is a more modern day example.

Let's just say you committed murder.

The judge is judging you if you should go to jail or be free of charge.

Then out of nowhere, a man says that he was the one who committed the murder and not you, even though he has never committed any murders and it was only you.

But he was willing to take your punishment all because he loves you. He was willing to go to jail and you would be set free.

But, let's just say you say 'No. I don't accept you to do that.' You would be taken to jail and suffer because you turned down a free gift from a kind man.

That is how it is.

Hell is not a party. It is not fun. The devil doesn't like you. He hates you. He wants you to suffer along with him in hell. But Jesus took your rightful punishment and wrath even though he doesn't deserve it.

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