A wild new ride

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...i'm here for a good time, not a long time.
go ahead and kill me, coward.

go ahead and try.


"And won't that just be...  thrilling." They grinned, showing pearly teeth.

"After all, my sweet love..."

Their head tilted, and smile widened, yet their eyes looked drained of life.

"You are just so cute when you're frightened."

The teeth glinted in the pinkish sunset light, or was that the stain of blood? Their mouth opened, revealing a fleshy red throat that seemed to go on far beyond the back of their head.

It moved forward, and you couldn't seem to take your eyes off it. It engulfed your vision, and your body felt tight and moist.

It was an... oddly, enticing feeling.

The light faded, and you realised you had been swallowed whole.

This isn't nearly as bad as I would've guessed, you thought to yourself.

You felt a tongue fold down the throat, and run itself over your exposed abdomen, causing a shiver to crawl down your spine.  It trailed around your head, then forced itself into your open mouth, making you let out a muffled scream and a moan. It explored all your crevices, and you reached out your tongue experimentally to lick it.

It tasted fleshy, and slightly bitter. It hard an odd texture; you could fell under each individual taste bud. You let out a slight whine as it slowly pulled out, wanting to feel it violate your mouth more.

It slid over your chest, and down your sides, untill it reached the space between your legs. You let out a small gasp, and tried to hold back a moan.

The tongue began to slide itself in-between your folds, and press on your entrance. It ran itself up and down, flicking your clit and making you wet with saliva.

Am I seriously doing this?, you thought, as you bucked your hips lightly and moaned. It was so wrong, but it felt so... good, so right, so intense. To be held hostage for this purpose, was absolutely exhilarating.

It began to push in your entrance, wriggling a thin tip in, and moving it around, exploring it's new territory. You gasped and panted with pleasure, rubbing your legs desperately against the stomach walls to try and gain friction.

You were breathless as it turned in circles over itself and twisted rapidly inside you. Your walls became slick, and your juices seeped out in masses. It seemed to like that, and lapped more fiercely.

You cried out in ecstasy as it pried deep down into you, hitting all the right spots with practiced ease. The rest of it was still stimulating your clit, so you could do little more than lay there enthralled.

"O-oh! I- I- I think- I- I'm g-gonna-!" Your words were cut off as you reached your limit, and you threw your head back and screamed in pleasure as your walls tightened around the tongue, and your sweet climax spilled over it and into the stomach as you panted.

The tongue, noticing you were done, pulled out and wrapped itself around you. It was surprisingly comfortable, warm and soft. You closed your eyes, exhausted.

Then, a voice spoke, sounding odd from your position inside their body.

"So, I take it you enjoyed yourself?"


Wow, I did not know it was possible to have so many regrets. Yay me!

Eh, well, yadda yadda thanks for the read, gO lIkE aNd SuBsCrIbE aNd FoLlOw Me On TwItTeR aHaH, have a nice day (perhaps), seeya.

Oh and, i may or may not do requests. Won't do pedophilia or rape, won't do some random stuff cos i can't idk, just uh... request if you must, horny d-bois.

fuck off now, chapter's done.

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