this is the part where i rant about life
covid, bad stocks (because some people didnt listen to me to buy all pfizer and moderna like in september), politics, what isnt there to complain about?
why dont people just put on a mask -_- its not that hard (it actually is)
give everyone jobs which are to administer the vaccine or transport it - gives everyone work to do and distributes the vaccine faster instead of taking years to do it on capitol hill WHAT ARE THEY DOING
what type of person still goes to the beach - just ban it
why the **** are elders getting it all they have to do is just stay in a nursing home and not come out HOW HARD COULD IT BE just give the vaccine to a bunch of doctors so they can treat more elders and other people
this is fun
bad stocks:
i feel that some companies actually like the vaccine such as pfizer and moderna and zoom because their stocks jumped a lot which is stupid
donald trump just give up already the electoral college already decided to kick you out and it cant be overturned unless you have a really big case where someones actually gonna listen to you
you had your several months to find whats wrong and instead you were playing golf
you "had your suspicions all along" so why didn't you invest in thousands of recorders for everyone to carefully watch the counting of mail in ballots i know you have the money
or why didnt u ask your voters to count the ballots who "obviously" wouldnt fraud
how long does it take to get a stupid relief bill
ok so they finally agreed upon a 900 billion dollar bill so like now whatcha gonna do about it
cant u agree on at least like a 50 billion dollar bill to help distribute covid am i asking too much or is it just that u dont wanna help and r too lazy huh