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~sherwins pov~

I hide in the branches of my favorite tree watching my crush, Jonathan, walk by. He was called 'mr Apple' due to him always having a Apple with him. He had beautiful black hair and it was held back by gel. His blue eyes were like a ocean.. I often got lost in them, his skin was a beautiful tan.. he was a strait A student. He never made any mistakes and he had every girl over him.. I always wondered what if we were together.. I mean I was always called 'gay faggot'.. I had untamed ginger hair.. my brown eyes were so ugly.. i had pale skin with freckles all over.. I was always late and I have good-ish grades.. I always mess something up and everyone hated me.. I was lost in thought as I heard a crack. I realize the branch i was on was about to snap. Before I could do anything the branch snapped and I was falling. I didn't feel myself hit the ground and I open my eyes to see Jonathan holding me. "You ok?" I blush to where my face was probably as red as a tomato. He puts me down and I realize I hurt my leg as I fell down. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the nurse.

"He needs to be careful. He hurt his foot bad but it will heal in a couple months. He also can't walk on it. And we don't have any spare crutches."

"I'll help take him to class" Jonathan picked me up and put my arm around his neck. He helped me as I jumped-walked beside him as he kept me balanced I we got to class. Thank god we sit together. He put me in my seat and we both listen to the teacher. Or he was (or so I thought) I was staring at him.. he looked so handsome..

~Jonathan's POV~

I pretend to listen to the teacher but I was thinking about him.. his curly untamed hair that made him look so cute.. his brown eyes looked like chocolate..
His pale skin with freckles looked so cute.. I feel like I have a crush on him.. he's my angel.. I realize the bell rang and put my stuff in my desk. I put his arm around my neck and help him to lunch. I grab food and take it to him. I watch him eat as I remember that school ends early. I go and pack my things ready to go home and I go back to him. He was finished so I told the plate to the dirty pile and went back to help him. I pick him up and carries him to the locker. He gets his stuff and we hear the inner-com come on.

"Hello students. There is something urgent. There is a shooter in the school. Please stay in the room you are in"

I picked him up bridal style and carry him to the near by classroom. I close and lock the door. Sherbert (yes it's over used BUT ITS CUTE) was scared and was hugging me. I carried him to the teacher desk and sit down while laying him on me. He fell asleep and soon after. So did I.

~two hours later~

I wake up to my angel sleeping on me. I carefully pick him up and go to the cafeteria to see everyone gone. I walked around and no one was anywhere. I'm guessing everyone left. I tried the door but it wouldn't budge.. I looked at my sleeping angel that was now opening his eyes. He just stared at me and I could see him blushing. I carry him to the office and try the side door. Surprise, surprise it opened. I carried him out and it was getting dark. He shivered. I carried him to my home. He was burying himself into my chest trying to stay warm. I remember that my parents are on vacation for a month. I open the door and carry my angel to my room. He was looking around. I laughed a little as I put him on the bed and grabbed clothes "here change and I'll go get some food" I went to the kitchen and made some food. I finished and heard a crash from upstairs. I ran up there and saw my angel on the floor scared and crying. I picked him up and took him to the kitchen. He started eating as I went upstairs to change. I went downstairs and saw my angel trying to walk to me but kept falling against the counter. He kept trying and eventually was hopping to me, but he fell and luckily I caught him. He laughed nervously and I carried him to bed. He grabbed me and pulled a little. I layed down with him and soon he and I fell asleep.


Hey guys ima leave this here!

(Words: 839)

Sherwithan (sherwin x Jonathan)Where stories live. Discover now