Nightmares (part 1)

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Your P.O.V

Darkness. All I can see is darkness. I'm standing in the middle of pitch black nothingness. Literally nothing. This is a dream, it has to be. And if it is, then I can simply just make the darkness go away. It's my dream after all. But for some reason I cans just make it go away. Instead I hear whispers. Children'swhispers. Telling me to run, don't trust him, get away from this place. Maybe they know what's going on. So why don't I call out to them?

'Hello? Is anyone there?'

I start walking in the direction in front of me. I don't know how long I'm gonna be walking like this or where I'm even going. But that's when I hear another voice, a firmilliar voice. Springtrap's voice.

Drake? Is that you?'

'Springtrap? Springtrap are you there? Springtrap!'

I run in the direction where I heard Springtrap's voice. I feel my heart and lungs ache from how much I'm running, but I don't care. I need to get to him.  Still not too sure why but I still need to. I trip and fall to the ground. I look up and still see darkness. But then I hear another voice coming from behind me, but I don't recognise it. It's deep and little grouchy. As soon as I hear it I quickly get up and turn around.

'Looking for your friend?'

'Huh? Who are you?'

'Oh, you can just call me Mr Afton little one.'

'Dude, I'm fifteen.'

'Oh, I'm sorry about that. To be honest a lot of the kids that I meet are around the same age. About 9 or 10.'

'Well I'm not that young. Where even am I anyway?'

'Don't you remember? You're at Freddy's.'

The darkness starts to disappear and I can clearly make out that what that guy is saying is right. Apparently I am at Freddy's. That's probably why I heard Spring's voice.

'Huh, I guess I am at Freddy Fazbear's.'

'Yes, and I know exactly where your friend is. I know that he's trapped behind the wall in the parts and service room. And I can get him out.'

'Wait, really!? You can? Hold on, how do you know that he's trapped behind the parts and service?'

'I work here. I hear his voice calling for you sometimes.'

No, don't trust him

That was another whisper. It sounds so, lost. Miserable. Like its been through the gates of Hell and manages to escape.

'Follow me, I'll have him out for youin no time.'

Run away

Never come back here

You will end up like the rest of us

Where are these whispers coming from? It's like they're coming from all directions. But I'm proved wrong the moment I turn around. The moment I do, I see six spirits with black eyes, what looks like tears running down their entire bodies from them, their faces have expressions of sadness and anger plastered on them. Each looks like a small child.

One of them seems to be a boy, with what looks like messy hair tucked away by a small top hat and a bowtie around his neck.

Another also seems to be a little boy. His hair seems less messy than the first and he has only a bowtie.

The next spirit is also a little boy. His hair is probably the most messy out of all the boys and he has an eyepatch and a hook on his right hand.

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